Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Mandatory Military Service in the United States Research Paper

Mandatory Military Service in the United States - Research Paper Example Conclusion III. References Abstract A mediocre interpretation of the word â€Å"mandatory† will be obligatory or compulsory. The Mandatory Military Service of America carries out compulsory enrollment and induction into its services as part of its functions. With reference to the Legal Dictionary, enrollment is done through conscription also known as â€Å"draft†. However, draft and conscription are two different concepts. Conscription is the compulsory induction of individuals into the armed forces, as compared to draft which is the procedure by which people are conscripted. Men within a certain age group must register with the Selective Service for possible conscription, but this concept was suspended by 1973. According to this said source, conscription typically involves individuals who are deemed fit for military service. At times governments have instituted universal military service in which all men or people of a certain age are conscripted. Some American colonie s employed conscription. During the Revolutionary War, the American government used selective, temporary conscription to fill the ranks of its military. Congress passed the Selective Draft Act (40 Stat. 76). The act created a government office to oversee conscription. It also authorized local draft boards to select eligible individuals for conscription. The following year, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of conscription, noting that Article I of the Constitution gives Congress the power to "raise and support Armies". Presidential authority to conscript individuals into the U.S. armed forces ended in 1973. No individual has been conscripted into the military since then. Inception of the draft The idea that members of a community have a duty to defend it is as old as civilization itself. In a free society like ours, forcing citizens to fight involves conflicting notions of civic duty, individual freedom and equality. Although America has relied on an all-volunteer milit ary for most of its history, it was forced to draft men to fight the civil war and the wars of the 20th century. (Cited from Paul Ruschmann, Mandatory Military Service) George Washington was the first of a number of presidents to propose compulsory military training for all men. â€Å"Every citizen who enjoys the protection of a free government, not only owes a proportion of his property but also some of his personal services for the defense of it, and consequently that the citizens of America†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦should be borne on militia rolls†. Despite his proposal, his advice was overlooked and the all-volunteer militia remained. However, at the time of the civil war, there was enough man power to go to battle. The Confederacy which had a much smaller population than the Union authorized a draft. The next year, lawmakers followed suit. Despite attractive bonus packages, the Military was not attracting enough persons to raise an army strong enough to win the war. With the draft l aws conceived by the Union and the Confederacy, they allowed a man to hire a substitute to fight for him. During that era, that was the most intelligent means of exempting men engaged in essential civilian occupations. The law also exempted a man from serving by paying a $300 commutation fee to the government. Many Northerners complained that the civil was a â€Å"rich man’s war and a poor man’s fight† and anti-draft violence broke out in a number of cities. The worst unrest occurred in New York City, where anti-draft protests

Monday, October 28, 2019

Bama Team Essay Example for Free

Bama Team Essay Bama is a team based company that takes care of its employees to ensure business growth. The People Assurance System (PAS) not only trains and informs but also makes sure that employees know the key expectations for their performances.   The company’s leadership system provides the framework for the PAS and integrates the leaders’ responsibilities with HR systems so that business objectives can be achieved. When certain profitability objectives are met, employees are also given additional compensation. Applicants are hired based on basic requirements. Hourly employees are hired through a temporary employment agency. Professional, technical and management employees come from internships, external recruiters, personal references, and job fairs. The leadership system has the Employee Success Discussions (ESD) and Organizational Development Discussions (ODD) where employees are given feedback and employee development opportunities. The ESD is a positive feedback system that provides the chance for hourly employees and their supervisors to discuss and plan performance issues.   The ODD provides management employees feedback from immediate bosses, customers, peers and direct reports. These observations are also used by the training staff to modify their training offerings. The company also has the â€Å"promote from within† philosophy that allows employees to advance their positions based on their own merits. The system also ensures the personal and professional growth of employees through tuition assistance programs, training programs, and technological and maintenance courses. All new employees are given on-the-job trainings.   Newly-hired managers are given a six hour session on culture, ethical standards and other company policies. Safety trainings have before and after evaluations that help assess development. The Six Sigma system assigns Black Belts that help teams attain goals. Update and just-in-time trainings that are extendable are given on applications and new processes. To ensure mastery, written course evaluations, in-class brainstorming of improvement ideas, post-testing, assessment and supervisors follow up. Bama ensures employee support, satisfaction and retention by having surveys (semi-annual and even anonymous), roundtables, and focus groups. The HR also addresses financial compensation, benefits, personal development (e.g. Fitness Center), involvement, recognition, communication and leisure through its services. Other measures like accident rates and employee retention are also taken into consideration. Employees are encouraged to give their improvement suggestions on human safety, product quality, processes to save time or money, equipment life and quality of life for employees through the Fresh Ideas Program. All employees, except for those paid hourly, get rewards and awards for it. Effective two-way communication is vital to Bama.   For this, the company has established the Bama Communication and Sharing Process, a roundtable process, an open door policy and the Bama News. The business systems infrastructure also encourages skill sharing across units, jobs and locations.   Two-way radios are also provided for efficiency. Healthy and safety of working environment are also priorities of Bama. It has a Key Elements plan, safety training programs and policies in place to secure implementation of safety laws..   Random drug testing is also done to ensure that Bama remains a drug-free workplace. Monthly safety audits are also done to see potential hazardous situations. Employees may also write Safety Work Orders or Near Miss Reports. Security systems like staff, fences, gates, pass-coded doors and surveillance cameras are also regularly assessed. Emergency and disaster preparedness provisions include planning (using ammonia refrigeration systems), training (e.g. CPR and fire safety), drills and multiple production lines.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Neurobiology of Mental Retardation: Fragile X Syndrome Essay

The Neurobiology of Mental Retardation: Fragile X Syndrome In my previous paper, I wrote on the topic of the nature-nurture debate and the ways it related to the brain-equals-behavior dilemma. In this paper, I will continue this investigation into the link between genes and neurobiology, but I will focus in on a particular aspect of the relationship: neurological disease caused by genetic aberration. There are many well studied and well documented (thought not necessarily well understood) disorders associated with the X chromosome, and a large number of these have neurobiological roots and behavioral manifestations. One such disease is fragile X syndrome. Fragile X syndrome is the most common inherited form of learning disabilities and mental retardation known (1). The disease shows an x-linked inheritance pattern and is characterized by a host of symptoms ranging from impaired learning abilities to severe retardation and autistic behaviors (1). An understanding of the disease is vital on several levels. Fragile X syndrome (FXS) not only bea rs scientific significance for the fields of molecular genetics, transmission genetics, neurophysiology, and abnormal psychology. It also provides one with a vantage point from which to view the particular set of behaviors known as mental retardation as well as those afflicted by retardation who are too often stigmatized and marginalized in our society. Before analyzing the neurobiological basis of FXS, it is pertinent to examine the genetics underlying the disease. As stated before, FXS is known to be x-linked which means that the disease will appear roughly in twice as many male cases as female. This is because males, who have only a single copy of x-linked genes which they inherit on... ... syndrome and Downs Syndrome are also forms of mental retardation, the latter of which is not even an inborn error of metabolism- it is a chromosomal disorder. And yet the particular subset of behaviors in question is all called mental retardation. Thus, more cytological and neuro-imaging research must be conducted to fully elucidate the complexities of FXS. For the time being, I think, it is safe to assume that the link between a single gene and a complex class of behaviors is strong for fragile X syndrome. WWW Sources 1)National Fragil X Foundation 2)Neurosciences on the Internet 3)Genetic Causes of Mental Retardation 4)Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Writing Assignment 1

Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary Writing Assignment 1 A paper submitted to Dr. Rick Garner In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course Discipleship Ministries DSMN 500 By Hershel L. Kreis, Jr. November 4, 2012 Toano, Virginia INTRODUCTION While there are those who may be uncomfortable with the idea that worship is a goal in making disciples, the goal of Christian education according to Mitchell is to make a disciple who worships Jesus.Mitchell points out that worship is more than just showing up at church on Sunday morning for an hour of corporate worship. He points out that worship according to John 4:19 -24 goes much deeper than just that time of corporate worship that we often think of as worship. He points out that worship involves the whole person, mind, body and soul. Anderson states that corporate worship is â€Å"an action of discipling and discipleship† and a â€Å"school for the Lord’s service. Discipleship is just one part of the equation n eeded to assist Christians in spiritual formation to maturity. Christian education also has a role to play. The goal of both discipleship and Christian education is to produce spiritually mature disciples of Christ. Education, as the term is used by Csinos and many others, is used to refer to learning that takes place within churches or schools. Formal Christian education and discipleship can be seen as points along a continuum that is designed to increase the spiritual maturity of believers.Mitchell’s definition of Christian education, when broken down gives a number of clues as to the role it plays in regards to assisting Christians to become more mature in their walk with Christ. When Mitchell speaks of Christian education as â€Å"engaging learners in acquiring the mind and skill sets,† he clearly shows that there has to be a transfer of knowledge in some fashion. Faithful expository preaching allows the Christian to understand how the Bible is not just a collectio n of 66 individualized books, but instead an interlocking mosaic that explains God’s love for man and the relationship between them.Topical preaching is good for learning about particular aspects of faith and what the Bible has to say about the issues that Christians confront in today’s society, but expository preaching is faithful to not only the text, but the context of the passage in light of the entire Bible. But, faithful preaching of God’s Word is not the only way that Christian education is being accomplished. There are still many churches that conduct Sunday schools. These Sunday schools have varied curricula and, as a result, their success as a tool in spiritual formation can vary.For those who use Sunday school curricula provided by a denominational source, they can provide a great deal of information to the Christian as to what the denomination believes and why they believe it. Other formats include topical studies or studies that examine books of the Bible in a manner similar to expository preaching. While Sunday school materials vary, the importance to the individual Christian will also vary. If a class was using a topical study, there may be particular lessons or units that may not apply to all that are in the class.While Sunday schools and corporate worship provide Christian education to believers, they are less intimate than small groups. Small groups are, in many ways, a hybrid of formal Christian education and discipleship, depending on the way in which they are run and the content in which they cover. Some small groups tend to be smaller formal education by doing Bible studies. Other small groups tend to lean more towards discipleship in that they are based on encouragement, accountability and support for the members.These small groups are often termed accountability groups for just that reason. These small groups not only help the Christian learn about the fundamentals of the faith, but also allow others to hold them ac countable to follow Christ in the details of life. Both formal Christian education and small groups help the Christian with â€Å"understanding of the Creator, the created order, and themselves as created in the image of God, while also discovering their contribution and place in God’s Kingdom, as well as their community. †Spiritual formation is always occurring in the Christians life through Christian education as it is the changes in our spiritual maturity as we continue to follow Jesus. This spiritual formation grows at an individual rate depending on the amount of overall Christian education received, either through formal or informal means. The informal Christian education is often thought of as being discipleship in the truest sense of the word. When many think of discipleship, they think of the situation where a mature Christian pours themselves into the life of a less mature Christian in a mentoring role in an informal fashion.The term discipleship has a broad range of meanings in the church today according to Collinson including encouraging a Christian lifestyle, referring to the relationship between a believer and Christ, and helping new believers grow in the spiritual disciplines. A simpler definition may be that â€Å"discipleship means following after Jesus and doing what He says to do. † But discipleship is also seen as a calling, not a program or profession, and a daily living with Jesus. But, the Bible refers to a disciple in three different ways.In the first use of the word, it is nothing more than a person being educated by a teacher, such as in Matthew 10:24 and 13:52. This way of defining a disciple is a life transformation of becoming more like a person’s master, such as seen in Matthew 16:24 or Mark 8:34. A second way is when someone starts the process of becoming a disciple or being a disciple, such as in Matthew 27:57 or Luke 14:26-27. Lastly, there are those who are referred to as disciples that only occasio nally followed Jesus, such as those in Matthew 8:21.Samra summarizes discipleship succinctly by saying that it is the â€Å"process of becoming like Christ. † A one on one discipling relationship allows for the greatest accountability and requires the greatest amount of trust on the part of both individuals. This type of discipleship often is the strongest and most effective to achieve true spiritual growth. While it is quite easy to evade issues that may be struggles in your life while listening to expository preaching or in a Sunday school setting, it is almost impossible when in a one-on-one relationship with another Christian.As a result of the trust that has been developed in the course of the relationship and the permission given by both parties to ask the tough questions of each other, there is no escaping the immense amount of learning that can produce a great deal of spiritual maturity in a new Christian. While the goal of Christian education and discipleship is spir itual formation of the new believer into a true disciple who makes other true disciples, this concept has been watered down in the American church today by emphasis on programs instead of progressive spiritual growth in every member’s life.There are many churches that do not encourage spiritual growth with anything beyond worship services on Sunday morning and evening, Sunday school and possibly a prayer service on Wednesday night. Many churches emphasize education over discipleship as it is easier to do and less labor intensive on the part of church members. Many churches now seem to emphasize numbers of people in the pews at the cost of sacrificing the spiritual growth of its members because there is less vulnerability in a large gathering along with a higher participation rate than in a small group or one-on-one discipleship setting.Churches today are flooded with programs while showing little regards to the process of disciple making. While the church wants spiritual grow th to occur, the most effective way to achieve this is through discipleship. While spiritual growth can take place as a result of conferences, special events or classes, when looking at the biblical precedence for spiritual formation, it was done through discipleship, as shown by the examples of Paul and Jesus.It is important for every church or ministry to evaluate what it is doing from time to time to see if the programs they are participating in are making true disciples, large numbers of spiritual infants or just people who attend church for what they can get out of it instead of what they bring as an offering of their time and talents. Mature Christians hold the key to producing other Christians who will then follow the Great Commission to make disciples, not just followers or church attenders.American churches today are full of attenders and that is why we see the current trend of declining membership throughout the country today. The church should focus on making disciples wh ich over time will turn into true worshipers who worship God in every part of their lives every minute of their lives, not just during the course of a program, event or training offered by the church. Jesus made disciples who changed the world without programs. These disciples demonstrated true worship in their lives and passed it to succeeding generations.Unfortunately, the message has become twisted over time from the simple message of a disciple being one who worships God in spirit and in truth. We must recapture the essence of true discipleship before it is lost forever in the next program or fad proposed by a popular Christian leader, instead of following Jesus’ formula for lasting discipleship. BIBLIOGRAPHY Anderson, E. Byron. â€Å"Worship: Schooling in the Tradition of Jesus. † Theology Today 66, no. 1 (April 2009): 21-32. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed October 29, 2012).Collinson, Sylvia. â€Å"Making Disciples and the Christian Faith. † Evangelical Review Of Theology 29, no. 3 (July 2005): 240-50. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed October 29, 2012). Csinos, David M. â€Å"†Come Follow Me†: Apprenticeship in Jesus' Approach to Education. † Religious Education 105, no. 1 (January 2010): 45-62. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed October 29, 2012). Grace, W. Madison III. â€Å"True Discipleship: Radical Voices from the Swiss Brethren to Dietrich Bonhoeffer to Today. Southwestern Journal Of Theology 53, no. 2 (March 2011): 135-53. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed October 29, 2012). Houston, James M. â€Å"The Future of Spiritual Formation. † Journal of Spiritual Formation ;amp; Soul Care 4, no. 2 (September 2011): 131-39. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed October 29, 2012). Mitchell, Michael R. Leading, Teaching and Making Disciples. Bloomington, Indiana: Crossbooks, 2010. Samra, James G. â€Å"A Biblical View of Discipleship. † Bibliotheca Sacra 160, no. 638 (April 2003): 219-34.ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed October 29, 2012). ——————————————– [ 1 ]. . Michael R. Mitchell, Leading, Teaching and Making Disciples (Bloomington, Indiana: Crossbooks, 2010), 262. [ 2 ]. . Ibid. , 265. [ 3 ]. . E. Byron Anderson, â€Å"Worship: Schooling in the Tradition of Jesus,† Theology Today 66, no. 1 (April 2009): 29. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed October 29, 2012). [ 4 ]. . David M. Csinos, â€Å"†Come Follow Me†: Apprenticeship in Jesus' Approach to Education,† Religious Education 105, no. (January 2010): 51. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed October 29, 2012). [ 5 ]. . Mitchell, Leading, Teaching and Making Disciples, 242. [ 6 ]. . James M. H ouston, â€Å"The Future of Spiritual Formation,† Journal of Spiritual Formation & Soul Care 4, no. 2 (September 2011): 135. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed October 29, 2012). [ 7 ]. . Sylvia Collinson, â€Å"Making Disciples and the Christian Faith,† Evangelical Review Of Theology 29, no. 3 (July 2005): 240. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed October 29, 2012). [ 8 ]. W. Madison Grace III, â€Å"True Discipleship: Radical Voices from the Swiss Brethren to Dietrich Bonhoeffer to Today,† Southwestern Journal Of Theology 53, no. 2 (March 2011): 150. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed October 29, 2012). [ 9 ]. . Houston, â€Å"The Future of Spiritual Formation,† 132. [ 10 ]. . James G. Samra, â€Å"A Biblical View of Discipleship,† Bibliotheca Sacra 160, no. 638 (April 2003): 219. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed October 29, 2012). [ 11 ]. . Ib id. [ 12 ]. . Ibid. , 219. [ 13 ]. . Ibid. , 220. [ 14 ]. . Ibid. , 225.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Outliers Part 7

In chapter 7 of outliers Gladwell talks about plane crashes in the 1990's in Korea. He says that there are far to many crashes that statistically should happen. Also since Korea was having way to many crashes other countries started to say that they were not going to let Korea fly over them or use their airports if they did not turn themselves around. With this threat Korea began to investigate the reasons for the plane crashes.They first tried to us common sense by saying it was the condition of the plane, the pilots were not trained properly and so on, but what they found out was that everything was up to code. So then they had to investigate deeper and look at other things and what they found out was it was the culture. The plane crashes were happening because Korea had a high power index, this meant that no matter what the pilot said everyone would agree with him and not question him.So int the end common sense doesn't always give you the answer you sometime have to look more dee ply into the situation. Also it's sometimes good to question authority. Its not always good to have a high power index and then again it's not always good to have a low power index. One occasion that it is good to have a low power index is in a hospital. This is good because even though doctors have much more experience nurses are right out of school so that means that they would know more about new technology and newer ways of doing different operations.Doctors may also be used to doing an operation one way but the nurse who is just out of school may now of some newer way of doing the same operation that has been proved to work better. Also since the nurses are with the patients more they may now something the doctor doesn't know that may affect the operation. It's also sometimes good to have a high power index, it would be more beneficial to have a high power index in a family because the kids should respect their elders. The parents and grandparents know more than the kids do and the kids can always learn something from older people.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Caesars permission Essays

Caesars permission Essays Caesars permission Essay Caesars permission Essay Later on when Cleopatra walks in, Antony says to her Give me a kiss. This shows the audience that their love is still very important to him and that is the only thing that has any importance to him now which once again goes back to the point that Cleopatra is Antonys biggest flaw. Antony then sends a letter to Caesar by the Ambassador. The Ambassador then tells Caesar He salutes thee, and requires to live in Egypt. Antony is now asking Caesars permission to live in Egypt which is not the tragic hero that Antony has been portrayed as. He also says Which not granted, he lessons his request, And to thee sues to let him breathe between The heavens and earth, a private man in Athens. Here Antony is saying that if Caesar wont allow Antony to live in Egypt then he would request to live in Athens as a normal man leading a quiet live not as a member of the triumvir or as the worlds greatest soldier. This is very important because this is another big flaw that we see in Antony. He seems to give up trying because he lost one fight instead of staying strong and asking Caesars permission just implies to the audience that Antony is a weak man not a great warrior or hero that the audience thought he was. The letter then says Cleopatra does confess thy greatness. Here Antony is complimenting Caesar to try and make him say yes to his requests. Once again the audience sees Antony as a weak man who is complimenting the person who he just had a battle with and lost and this is not a normal reaction for a soldier. To this Caesar replies For Antony I have no ears to his request. Here he is saying that he doesnt want to hear Antonys requests and now the audience see Caesar as the stronger character for the first time as Antonys laid back but strong attitude has gone and now Caesar has this attitude instead. When Antony hears of Caesars response to his letter he seems to become himself again slightly as he says As Ithcommand of Caesar. I dare him therefore To lay his gay comparisons apart, And answer me declined, sword against sword, Ourselves alone. Here he is daring Caesar to have a fight on land just between them two, sword to sword. Now the audience can slightly see why he is a hero and a brilliant soldier as he has now lost that weak attitude and is becoming strong willed again which shows him as being an admirable man that will stand up for himself and what he believes in. From all this we can see that Antony is very fatally flawed and that he has two main flaws, Cleopatra and his reputation. It is clear that he is very in love with Cleopatra and it even shows that he cares about her more than he does his reputation which makes him the tragic love hero the audience loves. The audience can also see that he is a very admirable man as he is a very strong willed man and is prepared to fight for what he believes in. the audience can also see that he deserves admiration in the way he takes care of Cleopatra and that once again shows just how much he cares for her. He was even backing down and asking Caesars permission just to be with her and that shows him not only as admirable but also as a tragic hero once more.

Monday, October 21, 2019

prostitution essays

prostitution essays Prostitution is defined as the oldest profession in the world, because it started with the very first civilization and has continued to present day. The argument over whether prostitution should be legalized or stay a criminal act has many split on the issue, including many feminists. I believe that prostitution is morally wrong, harmful and very degrading. On the other hand I am opposed to the government having the power to decide its legal state, primarily because they dont feel we are intelligent enough to make our own decisions. I propose that prostitution should be granted legalization. Every civilization in the world has some form of prostitutes working in their society. If it affects so many people how can we turn our heads, arrest people, slam the prison door and think that we have solved the problem. It has proved to go on whether their government condoned the practice or not. If we cannot stop this phenomenon why not make it legal to extract taxes and better assist the prostitutes and their clients? Currently in the United States, except for places in Nevada, prostution, the act of providing sex for money is illegal. When people have a job that is against the law they are no longer contributing to the government taxes. Their act is banned so there is not a way to regulate their money, while they still enjoy the benefits of this country without the added burden. Also, the prostitutes do not get medical attention they desperately need. A lot of people believe that if you make something legal you are agreeing with the perpratrators act or giving them permission to continue with their unhealthy lifestyle, but when does compassion come in and the understanding of peoples needs. We spend too much time convicting the criminals and not enough time helping to rehabilitate women from the streets or finding options for other work. If prostitution is made legal it should be guided under stric ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Determining Significant Figures

Determining Significant Figures Every measurement has a degree of uncertainty associated with it. The uncertainty derives from the measuring device and the skill of the person doing the measuring. Lets use volume measurement as an example. Say you are in a chemistry lab and need 7 mL of water. You could take an unmarked coffee cup and add water until you think you have about 7 milliliters. In this case, the majority of the measurement error is associated with the skill of the person doing the measuring. You could use a beaker, marked in 5 mL increments. With the beaker, you could easily obtain a volume between 5 and 10 mL, probably close to 7 mL, give or take 1 mL. If you used a pipette marked with 0.1 mL, you could get a volume between 6.99 and 7.01 mL pretty reliably. It would be untrue to report that you measured 7.000 mL using any of these devices because you didnt measure the volume to the nearest microliter. You would report your measurement using significant figures. These include all of the digits you know for certain plus the last digit, which contains some uncertainty. Significant Figure Rules Non-zero digits are always significant.All zeros between other significant digits are significant.The number of significant figures is determined by starting with the leftmost non-zero digit. The leftmost non-zero digit is sometimes called the most significant digit or the most significant figure. For example, in the number 0.004205, the 4 is the most significant figure. The left-hand 0s are not significant. The zero between the 2 and the 5 is significant.The rightmost digit of a decimal number is the least significant digit or least significant figure. Another way to look at the least significant figure is to consider it to be the rightmost digit when the number is written in scientific notation. Least significant figures are still significant! In the number 0.004205 (which may be written as 4.205 x 10-3), the 5 is the least significant figure. In the number 43.120 (which may be written as 4.3210 x 101), the 0 is the least significant figure.If no decimal point is present, the right most non-zero digit is the least significant figure. In the number 5800, the least significant figure is 8. Uncertainty in Calculations Measured quantities are often used in calculations. The precision of the calculation is limited by the precision of the measurements on which it is based. Addition and SubtractionWhen measured quantities are used in addition or subtraction, the uncertainty is determined by the absolute uncertainty in the least precise measurement (not by the number of significant figures). Sometimes this is considered to be the number of digits after the decimal point.32.01 m5.325 m12 mAdded together, you will get 49.335 m, but the sum should be reported as 49 meters.Multiplication and DivisionWhen experimental quantities are multiplied or divided, the number of significant figures in the result is the same as that in the quantity with the smallest number of significant figures. If, for example, a density calculation is made in which 25.624 grams is divided by 25 mL, the density should be reported as 1.0 g/mL, not as 1.0000 g/mL or 1.000 g/mL. Losing Significant Figures Sometimes significant figures are lost while performing calculations. For example, if you find the mass of a beaker to be 53.110 g, add water to the beaker and find the mass of the beaker plus water to be 53.987 g, the mass of the water is 53.987-53.110 g 0.877 gThe final value only has three significant figures, even though each mass measurement contained 5 significant figures. Rounding and Truncating Numbers There are different methods which may be used to round numbers. The usual method is to round numbers with digits less than 5 down and numbers with digits greater than 5 up (some people round exactly 5 up and some round it down). Example:If you are subtracting 7.799 g - 6.25 g your calculation would yield 1.549 g. This number would be rounded to 1.55 g because the digit 9 is greater than 5. In some instances, numbers are truncated, or cut short, rather than rounded to obtain appropriate significant figures. In the example above, 1.549 g could have been truncated to 1.54 g. Exact Numbers Sometimes numbers used in a calculation are exact rather than approximate. This is true when using defined quantities, including many conversion factors, and when using pure numbers. Pure or defined numbers do not affect the accuracy of a calculation. You may think of them as having an infinite number of significant figures. Pure numbers are easy to spot because they have no units. Defined values or conversion factors, like measured values, may have units. Practice identifying them! Example:You want to calculate the average height of three plants and measure the following heights: 30.1 cm, 25.2 cm, 31.3 cm; with an average height of (30.1 25.2 31.3)/3 86.6/3 28.87 28.9 cm. There are three significant figures in the heights. Even though you are dividing the sum by a single digit, the three significant figures should be retained in the calculation. Accuracy and Precision Accuracy and precision are two separate concepts. The classic illustration distinguishing the two is to consider a target or bullseye. Arrows surrounding a bullseye indicate a high degree of accuracy; arrows very near to each other (possibly nowhere near the bullseye) indicate a high degree of precision. To be accurate, an arrow must be near the target; to be precise successive arrows must be near each other. Consistently hitting the very center of the bullseye indicates both accuracy and precision. Consider a digital scale. If you weigh the same empty beaker repeatedly, the scale will yield values with a high degree of precision (say 135.776 g, 135.775 g, 135.776 g). The actual mass of the beaker may be very different. Scales (and other instruments) need to be calibrated! Instruments typically provide very precise readings, but accuracy requires calibration. Thermometers are notoriously inaccurate, often requiring re-calibration several times over the lifetime of the instrument. Scales also require recalibration, especially if they are moved or mistreated.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Mart -to- Market Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Mart -to- Market Accounting - Essay Example as been discussed and debated very thoroughly that the mark to market accounting is basically responsible for the creation of the current financial crisis. This method of accounting affected the value of the companies during the current financial crisis because with the crash in the property market, the values of the assets held by the firms also declined in their value. As per mark to market accounting procedures, firms were required to record their assets at new values and book the losses arising due to the reduction in the value of these assets. As a result of this, firms recorded heavy losses and their company values started to decline thus creating financial crisis. 3) It has been argued that the mark to market accounting does not work when markets are basically inactive and illiquid. (Katz). In such situation, it is therefore proposed that the rules regarding the mark to market process shall be suspended in order to provide more flexibility to the

Sphere of Business Activity at Google by Jessica E. Vascellaro Literature review

Sphere of Business Activity at Google by Jessica E. Vascellaro - Literature review Example Having this type of partnership with Emmis was thought that the online-advertising brainpower would make a change into the old-fashioned way of people performing business. Chad and Ryan Steelberg were teamed up with Google and Chad, in 2006, thought that because they had a technology for transmitting, scheduling, and tracking radio ads, they were going to conquer the radio. This, however, was not the case. Google pulled the plug on the multibillion-dollar business of off-line ad sales. Google misjudged the capacity of doing business without the human touch. Radio stations did not want to delve into performing business with set prices that were lower than their own prices and advertisers steered away from this endeavor. This does not mean that Google was a failure. It meant that it failed in this venture. Google, according to Vascellaro (2009), sells approximately one-third of all online ads in the U.S., by dollar amount. The radio venture was a small venture since they wanted to extend themselves to developing a successful model for selling ads linked to Internet searches through traditional media: print and television. It also retrieved from the newspaper ad-sales. It remains with the traditional media effort to sell television ads. Google claimed that they had "devoted substantial resources" to developing the radio and print ads but the impact was not as expected. Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt stated that the efforts failed because Google did not come up w ith a good way to measure listener response. He stated that although the math was performed well on the computer, the sound had very little to desire. Some of the customers did not like the fact that Google had its limitations, such as not being able to track down if the ads were driving sales. The Steelberg brothers did not measure up with Google's engineer-heavy corporate culture. Google and DMarc did not agree upon using the human touch element. This was a terrible decision from Google's part. When humans are involved, automation does not necessarily fit the spectrum to approach and service the customers. Google erred in both instances, in the strategy formulation and the strategy implementation. Had Google delved into using the human element and approached the prospective customers using a personalized approach, different would have been the results. This would have resulted in a new approach of seeking customers by using technology and the human touch.

Friday, October 18, 2019

What does it mean to be a leader in a cultural context Essay

What does it mean to be a leader in a cultural context - Essay Example Organizational culture, as agreed by most of the writers, in a great determinant of person-organization fit. It’s a combined effect of individual and situation response that determines and elicit a response. Kirstof (1996) views person-organization fit as the compatibility between the people involved and the organization; a compatibility of value and expectations between employee and the employer. It often refers to as the congruency of an individual’s beliefs and values with the culture, norms and values of an organization. This is the crux of person-culture fit where according to Chatman (1988), values provides the starting point and selection and socialization processes are complimentary to person- culture fit. This article revived the interest in person-situation interactional paradigms and shed light on various aspects of the concept, providing an insight into various approaches that shows the relationship between the two. It identifies values that are often used i n describing an organizational culture. As per numerous researches conducted, it has been observed that people generally tend to place them in different social categories: race, color, gender, religion, ethnicity etc. and use these categories to define themselves. Based on this, they tend to go for roles that provide congruency in terms of organizational fit and go for such organization which they perceive to be similar to their underlying values. The article, moreover, moves beyond the relationship and focuses on the qualitative assessment of the person- organization fit. It studies the person-culture fit through profile comparison technique in order to determine individual preferences for culture and relationship amongst the two across a broad range of values. (O’Reilly 1990). The results obtained were highly reliable and had strong validity. It showed that individual preference for organization varies with differences in personality characteristics. It also revealed that o rganizations within the same industry also vary with respect to cultural values. Q-sort thus provides analysis within and across organizations in terms of cultural values (Burns & Stalker, 1960). Moreover, person-organization fit also provides useful insight into individual adjustments into different organizations with respect to varying individual preferences. Moreover, high person-organization fit results in high organizational commitment, job satisfaction and hence productivity and growth of both the employer and the employee. In order to get ultimate satisfaction with the work, employee needs to join a company that has value system congruent with that of the individual. There has been a strong relation between high performance and the perfect fit between organization and the employee. Organization culture profile item set includes numerous variables. Of the various items I had a personal organizational experience with, includes being socially responsible. As a part of my value s ystem, social responsibility has always influenced me and I try to integrate it in my conduct wherever applicable. The current organization I work with, exhibits high corporate social responsibility in its business affairs, products and offerings. It believes in initiating environmental friendly behavior rather than merely guiding others to do so. Because I find it congruent with my belief system, it is easier for me to work and is a source of intrinsic motivation. Another item is being team oriented which my employer high

Research Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Research Project - Essay Example Hence, Google Inc. Company is on average. Gross profit margin shows the percentage for availability of revenue to cover cost of operating and expenditures. The gross profit margin has increased from 43.4% to 58.9% for years 2013 and 2014 respectively. Hence, there is improved profit margin. It analyses financial statements that are operated on a single period. On income statements, correlation is represented by percentage of each account that is separate to net sales. Express accounts apart from net sales as a percentage of net sales. Net income is calculated as a percentage of net sales that has not been used on expenses. It makes comparison of data for two periods. Users of financial statements review changes in the data that much like an indicator. Analysts determine for growth in assets, net income, revenue, in addition to decreasing in liabilities and expenses. In determining changes in absolute dollar need users to deduct base figure from the current number. To determine percentage need users to divide by the value now and multiply by 100. Helps to review financial statements of three or more years. The earliest years in the data represent the base year, and dollars can be used for consecutive periods. For comparability, analysts use percentages. Improved financial statements include decreased expenses and an increase in

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Fundamental of finance Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Fundamental of finance - Article Example This portfolio is best suited for Top Choice as they are high risk takers. The investment will yield an average return of (31.6% of ' 2,000,000) ' 632,000 with a standard deviation of (7.14% of ' 2,000,000) ' 142,800. This indicates that the return will be in the range of (' 632,000 - ' 142,800) and (' 632,000 + ' 142,800), i.e., ' 489,200 and ' 774,800 respectively. A company can be financed by a number of different modes. The type of capital financing that has been chosen for the company is referred to as the capital structure of the company. A company can be financed using debentures, equity shares, long term loans, etc. These options however are based on the nature of risk the investors are willing to take. The following sections will discuss the various financing options that are available for investors to finance their companies and the factors that affect the choice have also been discussed. a) Equity Financing: This is the most common mode of financing used by companies. Here companies raise monies for the business by selling stocks of the company. These can either be preferred or common stock and can be sold both to individuals as well as investors. This is also referred to as the share capital of the company. These stocks provide the buyers with an ownership in the company. This is perceived to be 'easy money' as it does not involve any debt. Here the company does not require repaying the amount to the investors, as long as the business makes profits. Equity financing is best suited for people who are risk takers (J Ogilvie & B Koch 2002). b) Debt Financing: This type of financing is when a company borrows money from other sources like banks, etc, under an agreement to pay back within a fixed amount of time. Here the lenders do not get any ownership of the business and the relationship remains active until all the monies are paid back. This can be of two main types a) short term financing, where loans taken are for a period less than one year. These are mostly taken by people who are willing to take risks. b) Long term financing is when loans are taken for period higher

The Shawshank Redemption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

The Shawshank Redemption - Essay Example Becoming a filmmaker is not like becoming a dentist that involves having a role model and going to dental school for some years and then going to that line of work. The movie business is based on a lot of intellectual things like instinct, talent, effort, persistence and believing in yourself. So the real answer for those who are listening to me is I was my own role model; I found my own path because I believed that what works for another person cannot work for me and vice versa. It is as a result of my ambition that I struggled for 9 years to become a writer before starting earning a living from it. The movie Shawshank Redemption is rated as an uplifting, profoundly satisfying drama with not only sensitive direction, but also fine performances. Can you please explain what might have led to your movie achieving such a profound rating? First, I will attribute the rating of Shawshank Redemption as one of the best movies to have been produced to the flow of the story. The story presented in this movie can be understood by almost every person who watches it. The choice of key characters is also another thing that enhanced the success of the movie. The main characters in the Shawshank Redemption were Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman, who were among the renowned actors in that time. Incorporation of these two characters in a movie was by itself a success. Apart from storyline and choice of characters, cinematography also played a part in enhancing the success of the Shawshank Redemption in the movie industry. My working together with Roger Deakins, a renowned cinematographer, enhanced production of quality photographic images and effects. In relation to the cinematography that you have just touched on, throughout the movie you have used lighting.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Fundamental of finance Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Fundamental of finance - Article Example This portfolio is best suited for Top Choice as they are high risk takers. The investment will yield an average return of (31.6% of ' 2,000,000) ' 632,000 with a standard deviation of (7.14% of ' 2,000,000) ' 142,800. This indicates that the return will be in the range of (' 632,000 - ' 142,800) and (' 632,000 + ' 142,800), i.e., ' 489,200 and ' 774,800 respectively. A company can be financed by a number of different modes. The type of capital financing that has been chosen for the company is referred to as the capital structure of the company. A company can be financed using debentures, equity shares, long term loans, etc. These options however are based on the nature of risk the investors are willing to take. The following sections will discuss the various financing options that are available for investors to finance their companies and the factors that affect the choice have also been discussed. a) Equity Financing: This is the most common mode of financing used by companies. Here companies raise monies for the business by selling stocks of the company. These can either be preferred or common stock and can be sold both to individuals as well as investors. This is also referred to as the share capital of the company. These stocks provide the buyers with an ownership in the company. This is perceived to be 'easy money' as it does not involve any debt. Here the company does not require repaying the amount to the investors, as long as the business makes profits. Equity financing is best suited for people who are risk takers (J Ogilvie & B Koch 2002). b) Debt Financing: This type of financing is when a company borrows money from other sources like banks, etc, under an agreement to pay back within a fixed amount of time. Here the lenders do not get any ownership of the business and the relationship remains active until all the monies are paid back. This can be of two main types a) short term financing, where loans taken are for a period less than one year. These are mostly taken by people who are willing to take risks. b) Long term financing is when loans are taken for period higher

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Use of omputer in academic development of children during their Essay

Use of omputer in academic development of children during their primary years - Essay Example Computers have become a standard feature in preschool, kindergarten and primary grades as a teaching aide. In the competitive age that we live in with strong emphasis on achievement, many educators see computer use as a way to accelerate progress in education.At home too, most parents feel compelled to follow this trend and purchase personal computers for their children in order to make them better prepared for their technology exposure at school and outside. Market researchers tracking software trends have identified that the largest software growth recently has been in new titles and companies serving the early childhood educational market. Even as early as 1996, SPA consumer market report found that of the people who own home computers and have young children, 70% had purchased educational software for their children to use .An estimated $50 million was spent on software programs for young children in 2001. The percentage today could only have increased judging by the omnipresence of computers in schools and homes. Parents and educators seem to be so eager to incorporate technology in education that many of them are introducing computers to children at younger ages to not only motivate them to get a head start on academics but also for their careers in later life. For example, lapware, a software program intended for children under 18 months of age was first introduced in the late 1990s ,to stimulate the brains of children as young as 6 months while they sit on the lap of their parent. Understandably, not all psychologists and educators are thrilled at the idea of using computers as an introduction to academic concepts and have raised questions about its effectiveness and also emotional and physical side effects. Abstract: The literature review that is done in this paper attempts to address several issues related to the academic use of computers with young children. We will study existing articles and research already done on the subject to achieve a better understanding and evaluate the different aspects related to the topic. They are: (1) the integration of technology into the typical learning environment and the potential benefits of appropriate use of technology in early childhood programs (2) the essential role of adults in evaluating appropriate uses of technology; (3) Appropriate Computer activities (4) The concerns of different organizations and educators who are opposed to the academic incorporation of computers. . Literature Review: Learning through computers and evidence of their benefits: The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), an organization that sets standards of excellence for programs for children from birth through age eight, recommends the use of computers with children ages three and older. In fact, the association claims that computers can have important benefits for even very young children, including language development, literacy development, social development, and the development of important problem-solving skills. Computers are intrinsically compelling for young children. The sounds and graphics gain children's attention. Increasingly, young children observe adults and older children working on computers, and they want to do it, too. Children get interested because they can make things happen with computers. Developmentally appropriate software engages children in creative play, mastery learning, problem solving, and conversation. The children control the pacing and the action. They can repeat a process or activity as oft en as they like and experiment with variations. They can collaborate in making decisions and share their discoveries and creations (Haugland & Shade 1990). When used appropriately, technology can support and extend traditional materials in valuable ways. Research points to the positive effects of technology in children's learning and development, both cognitive

Monday, October 14, 2019

Comparison of Hawk and Falcon Essay Example for Free

Comparison of Hawk and Falcon Essay Most people find it difficult to differentiate a hawk from a falcon. They normally mix them up. Although they seem similar in appearance, they certainly have numerous dissimilarities too. The hawk is bigger than the falcon and has a different shaped beak. I sometimes hear the hawk cry out as she flies above my house looking for food. The hawk and the falcon are similar in a lot of ways but differ in, the way they hunt, their size, and their habitat. â€Å"The term ‘hawk’ is used to describe the entire family of diurnal birds of prey. Hawks have acute keen eyesight, muscular legs with powerful feet and sharply hooked bills that are used for biting and tearing flesh. Known for their sharp talons, hawks catch their prey even during flight. Their nostrils are located above the bill on a fleshy patch of skin called the cere. They are swift fliers, with some attaining a speed of over 150 mph when diving†. ( Unknown author, n. d) They eat rats, shrews, ducks, toads, frogs, snakes, rabbits, and other birds. They hunt by day and can â€Å"see their prey two miles away their eyesight is the best in the animal kingdom. (Unknown author, 2011) â€Å"The size of the hawk ranges from 19 inches long to 22 inches long. The biggest hawk, the rough- legged hawk has a wingspan of more than 55 inches. † (Unknown author, 2011) The female is bigger than the male most of the time. Young hawks grow fast maturing in a month’s time. Their habitat is in forests, prairies, marshlands and open savannas. Mating and nest building begin in the spring, March through May. Accompanied by aerial displays by both female and male. â€Å"Nests are located from 35 to 75 feet high in the forks of large trees† (Unknown Author, 2011). Both female and male build the nest from twigs and evergreen branches. Female hawks lay anywhere from 1 to 3 eggs, they hatch in 28-32 days. Hawks mate with their partner for life, but if the partner dies the mate quickly finds another partner. On the other hand, falcons are quite different than hawks. â€Å"Any species of raptor in the genus Falco is identified as falcon. Falcons comprise of a heterogeneous family of long winged birds of prey, which are closely related to the hawks. Falcons can dive at a speed of up to 200 miles per hour. This phenomenal speed makes them the fastest-moving creatures on earth. †(Unknown author, n. d) They hunt by day and can spot prey a mile away. â€Å"Falcons go to great heights to wait for their prey, once they see it they dive at great speed and hit it using their beak to damage the neck†(Clarisse, 2011) . They eat other birds such as† sparrows, starlings, gulls, ducks and pigeons†(Harvey, 2006). They catch their prey in midair and surprise it, it is killed instantly. Falcons claw and tear the flesh from their prey with their strong beak. The falcon size ranges from 14-19 inches. â€Å"The nest is prepared in a saucer shaped form in soil, sand, or grass call† scrape† Their habitat is in forests, mountains, deserts, sea cliffs, in cities, and large urban areas. † (Harvey, 2006). Male and female share the responsibility of the eggs. â€Å"The female lays 3-5 eggs around 2 to 3 days apart† (Harvey, 2006). The female falcon and male falcon mate for life. Hawks and falcons, both hunt in the day, and both catch their pray in mid-air, but hawks eat a variety of animals unlike the falcon who just preys on other birds. They both have nest’s high off the ground but, hawks nest in trees while falcons make their nests in soil, sand, and gravel on cliffs and on top of tall buildings. Falcons can dive up to speeds of up to 200 miles an hour; whereas hawks can dive around 150 miles an hour. Hawks live an average of up to 21 years while the falcon’s life span is around 17 years. Hawks can see their prey up to two miles and the falcon can see their prey up to one mile. Falcons live in the city, forest, desert, mountains and large urban areas, while the hawk lives in the forest, marshland, and open savannas. Hawks are also bigger than falcons. To sum up, hawks and falcons do seem similar, but they have several different qualities regarding size, habitat, and diet. â€Å"Falcons grab their prey with their beak while hawks use their talons to kill their prey† (Kivumbi, 2011). â€Å"Falcons have a notch on their beak and hawks have a curve† (Srinstar, 2011). They may look alike but are quite different. Look closely next time and see the difference between the two. Hawks are bigger and have a different beak.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Buick and Budweiser- Selling Success and Patriotism :: Media Advertising Essays

Buick and Budweiser- Selling Success and Patriotism Television commercials go beyond merely informing consumers about products or services: these advertisements sell their abstract ideas that tend to be valued in American society, such as success and patriotism. Two examples are outstanding commercials produced by the car manufacturer General Motors for their Buick cars, and the brewery Anheuser-Bush for their beer, Budweiser. While David Barry, in his essay, â€Å"Red, White, and Beer,† humorously describes the connection between commercials and values, Rita Dove and Marie Winn, in â€Å"Loose Ends† and â€Å"Television Addiction† respectively, are about an addiction to television and how television creates unbelievable ideal of a reality. Analyses of these two television advertisements, not only make a connection between their products or services and the abstract ideas of success and patriotism, but in the process, also sell the ideas as important American values in a powerful manner accomplished only b y television, because of people’s addiction to it. The General Motor’s car commercial features the professional golfer, Tiger Woods, on the golf course. He makes golf shots that seem impossible such as making a shot from a suspended bridge. Also, he is surrounded by famous people. While he is making these amazing golf shots, there is always a Buick vehicle at the background, and in some cases, Tiger Woods uses a Buick as a golf cart. The commercial has no plot, however, the visuals are stunning and the Buick is always prominently displayed in the picture. The fame of Tiger Woods is highlighted through the class of the car he drives as well as the seemingly impossible golf shots he makes with little effort. On the other hand, the Budweiser commercial features a donkey that is disheartened as he can not be a part of the elegant, beautiful Clydesdale horses which are the mascots for Budweiser. Determined, the donkey practices by pulling a cart with beer, prancing about, and changing his appearance. Finally, he comes before a group of Clydesdale horses to be interviewed; however, he â€Å"he-haws† like a donkey and thus thinks that he will be rejected. Despite his fears, he is accepted as a Clydesdale. These two humorous and classy commercials are aimed at selling cars and beer, in an unrealistic manner; however, they go beyond product marketing to selling the values of success and patriotism in an unrealistic manner too.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Digital Technology: TV’s Next Step :: Television Media Essays

Digital Technology: TV’s Next Step Digital technology is a recent innovation to sweep through America. It has already become the standard for music purchases, and with the use of DVDs, it is now the preferred way to watch a movie in the home. Cell phones were once primarily analog, but now most service areas are digital. These changes came from the market place wanting better sound, picture, and more reliable signals. This is in stark contrast to television, because its change from analog to digital has been brought on by the FCC enacting regulations. The market place should be excited and the change, but not just for better picture quality. Though the FCC may be forcing the change in television, the market place should embrace the changes and even be excited about them. Picture quality is not the only difference between digital and analog television. The FCC has several reasons to switch to digital. A digital signal offers better sound than an analog signal. With analog, you are only able to get two channels of sound. Digital offers you the same 5.1 channels of digital surround sound you hear in movie theatres. The combination of better sound and picture is enough to make many want to upgrade, but there are more reasons. Digital television also allows for more bandwidth with the use of MPEG-2 technology. This is a way of compressing the information and using less bandwidth. It can reduce the number of bits by about 55 to 1, allowing more space on the spectrum. The practical use of this is multicasting. Although how this will be used is still to be determined. It is likely networks will run multiple programs in standard format during the day and use HDTV during primetime. Naturally, both analog and digital signals lose strength over long distances. With analog signals, this causes a horrible picture filled with static. This differs drastically with a digital signal. The signal still weakens over distance, but it makes no difference in quality of picture or sound. As long as the television receives the signal, no matter how weak it is, the picture and sound will be clear. Obviously, this could be a potential problem for cable and satellite providers. Many consumers will no longer have to pay monthly fees to have an acceptable picture.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Short-Term Memory: The Second Stage in Memory Processing

Introduction to Psychology Psychology 101, Section 8 October 26, 2010 Short-Term Memory The short-term memory is the lead to our long lasting remembers. Short-term memory is the second stage in the memory processing (Huffman). The short-term memory is the part of the memory that temporarily stores and processes information from the sensory memory and holds it until it decides if the information will be sent to the third stage or long-term memory (Huffman). The short-term memory stores a mixture of perceptual analyses information (Huffman).The short-term memory works in different ways to increase its small capacity; it uses rehearsal and chunking to be able to remember more things at once (Huffman). Rehearsal is when a person repeats information over and over again to maintain it fresh in the memory and chunking is grouping separate pieces of information into a single group (Huffman). The short-term memory is also known as the â€Å"working memory† because it’s always re ceiving information from the sensory memory and sending to the long-term memory (Huffman).I will be discussing the difference between short-term memory and long-term memory, the theory of decay, and the working memory. Difference The main difference between short-term memory and long-term memory is the capacity that each one has. According to Michael E. Martinez the two memories work together a cognitive architecture or the mind’s basic structure. In the short-term memory a person can only think of a few ideas at a time (Martinez). One of the characteristics of the short-term memory is that is small compare to the long-term memory which has a larger capacity (Martinez).Information flows between the short-term memory to the long-term memory, depending on the direction and different kinds of thinking results (Martinez). Short-term memory is the route entry to long-term memory or the holding template until the long-term memory processes are complete (Lewis). One example the Mart inez gives is when information flows from short-term memory into long-term memory it produces learning. When information leaves flows from long-term memory back to short-term memory is called recognition or recall, which happens whenever we think about a previously known fact, person, or event (Martinez).Each memory has it’s owe limitations; the short-term memory has a small capacity making it hard to think about many things at once, while the long-term memory does not record experience completely and accurately (Martinez). Unlike the long-term memory the short-term memory has chunking, which allows the short-term memory to hold more and more information. The capacity does not change but chunk grows in complexity which allows the short-term memory to handle more data (Martinez). DecayDecay is a theory that has a long history in accounting for forgetting (Berman, Jonides, and Lewis). This is said to happen because as time passes, information in the memory erodes and is less av ailable for retrieval (Berman, Jonides, and Lewis). Berman, Jonides, and Lewis present different experiment to examine if decay is a cause of forgetting. One study that they present is the classic study of Peterson and Peterson (1959): â€Å"Consider the classic study of Peterson and Peterson (1959), originally thought to provide strong evidence for decay.In this experiment, participants were given a letter trigram to store, followed by a retention interval that varied from 3 to 18 s. During the retention interval, participants were required to count backward by threes to prevent rehearsal of the memorandum. Following the retention interval, participants recalled the item in memory. Peterson and Peterson found that performance declined as retention intervals increased, and the authors attributed this decline to increasing decay of the memory trace with increasing time.The attribution of this effects to decay mechanism is, however, suspect. † The arguments that counting backwa rd could not be a source of interference because their secondary task differed from the item to be stored in memory (Berman, Jonides, and Lewis). But the case is that counting task requires short-term memory retention, which is the main memory task (Berman, Jonides, and Lewis). Another problem in assessing the role of decay on short-term memory is the habitual tendency of rehearse materials that are to retain (Berman, Jonides, and Lewis).An example that Berman, Jonides, Lewis give is when we look up a phone number in the directory and then walk to the phone, we rehearse the number in our head until it is dialed. They are trying to come up with different techniques to prevent rehearsal, to get an accurate gauge of whether decay has an effect on memory (Berman, Jonides, and Lewis). Working Memory Theory based research has revealed that working memory is a system that allows a person to maintain task goals, update memory to meet current demands, and to separate memory to form relations hips (Shelton, Matthews, Hill, and Gouvier).The working memory is also referred to a general purpose system that is responsible for the active task or goal relevant information while simultaneously processing other information (Unsworth, Spillers, and Brewer). The general purpose system includes: problem solving, reading, coordination and planning, and the basic intellectual functions, which leads to research on the capacity of the working memory (Unsworth, Spillers, and Brewer). â€Å"Beginning with Daneman and Carpenter (1980), most researchers have utilized complex working memory span tasks in which to-be-remembered items are interspersed with some processing activity. For nstance, in the reading span task participants attempt to remember words or letters while reading and comprehending sentences. These tasks can be contrasted with simple memory span tasks in which TBR items are presented without any additional processing activities.The complex span tasks nicely capture the idea that the of processing and storage are needed to fully understand the essence of working memory and tap its capacity. Furthermore, these tasks can be used to estimate an individual’s working memory capacity and examine the correlation between this capacity and other important cognitive abilities (Unsworth, Spillers, and Brewer). The possible that the complex span tasks do not file overall resources abilities but rather that the processing task displaces items from the working memory (Unsworth, Spillers, and Brewer). Also according to the task-switching view, a person may place an item in the working memory, and a rapid switching mechanism is needed to refresh the item before it is lost due to decay (Unsworth, Spillers, and Brewer). The faster the information can be complete and switch back to decaying representations, the better the overall performance will be (Unsworth, Spillers, and Brewer).There is also a difference in the amount of capacity from individual to individual (Unsworth, Spillers, and Brewer). There are two components that individuals may differ on: first component is the need to actively maintain information over the short term and the second is the need to retrieve information that could not be actively maintain due to a large number of incoming items (Unsworth, Spillers, and Brewer). The short-term memory has it’s mysteries due to the amount of information that one can keep and pass on.One thing is for sure is that without it we will not know what information are relevant for one to keep or decay. Now one can understand the relationship and difference between short-term and long-term memory, the theory of decay, and why the short-term memory is the working memory.References Berman, M. , Jonides, J. , & Lewis, R. (2009). In search of decay in verbal short-term memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition,35(2), 317-333. doi:10. 1037/a0014873. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. Huffman, K. (2010). Memory,(9th ed. Psychology in action. (242-275) Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Lewis, D. (1979). Psychobiology of active and inactive memory. Psychological Bulletin,  86(5), 1054-1083. doi:10. 1037/0033-2909. 86. 5. 1054. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. Martinez, M. (2010). Human Memory The Basics. Phi Delta Kappan,  91(8), 62-65. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. Shelton, J. , Elliott, E. , Matthews, R. , Hill, B. , & Gouvier, W. (2010). The relationships of working memory, secondary memory, and general fluid intelligence:  Working memory is special. Journal of Experimental Psychology:  Learning, Memory, and Cognition,  36(3), 813-820. doi:10. 1037/a0019046. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. Unsworth, N. , Spillers, G. , & Brewer, G. (2010). The contributions of primary and secondary memory to working memory capacity: An individual differences analysis of immediate free recall. Journal of Experimental Psycho logy: Learning, Memory, and Cognition,  36(1), 240-247. doi:10. 1037/a0017739. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Maritime security requirements Essay

Maritime security refers to the security offered to the shipping industry in a country. It refers to the measures taken by the government to ensure that the port, the employers, the employees as well as the equipments in the ports are well guarded from threats which face them. The ports face risks which may arise due to unlawful acts done on them or even on the persons stationed in them. Strategic planning to cub any uncertainty is thus essential for the well being of a nation and its citizens. The security of a country like the United States is dependent on the security of the world’s oceans. There are different forms of threats which face the maritime security. To attain maritime security, it is thus vital to combine the efforts of both the public and private sectors globally. Maritime security may also be used to refer to the comprehensive security for the international shipping which started functioning on July 2004. It forms part of the IMO’s activities. This is a security practice code which is exercised in ports which is meant to compliment the international ships and the port equipments security. The IMO/ILO code was implemented to offer security for the whole port area and was approved in March 2004. IMO is an acronym for international maritime organization while ILO refers to the international labor organization. IMO code of practice is not binding and should not replace the laws and regulations of a country. It does not affect the fundamental rights and principles of the workers as provided by the ILO document or the workers access to the ports or terminals and even the vessels. The IMO is thus used to provide guidance to member countries on how to deal with matters relating to security in the ports. It also helps in identifying a government’s roles and responsibilities as well as for those of the employers and their employees (Pugh, 1994). The main objective of the formation of the code of practice relating to security on the ports was to enable all the stakeholders including the government minimize the risks which may be incurred by the port due to unlawful acts in the port. It was also intended to provide a common basis of approach to security on ports amongst affiliated states. This code also sought to extend the area covered by port security to include the whole port. Threats and measures used to combat maritime security Maritime insecurity has been on the rise for the past few years with terrorists using this domain to attack most countries. This has called for strict measures to ensure such attacks are reduced or eliminated. For maritime security to be attained, a number of plans have to be put in place to address the different forms of maritime security. These plans form the basic requirements for successful attaining of maritime security. One of the plans which are vital is a national plan to create and achieve Maritime’s domain awareness. After creating a national awareness, a global integration of intelligence is important and hence its plan. A single country may not be in a position to fight and lead to maritime security thus the need to cooperate with other countries. Other plans are the maritime infrastructure plan and the maritime security plans. The security plans includes the transportation plan, the commerce plan and the facilities plan. Before the formulation of these plans, the country needs to understand the threats which maritime environment faces (Hawkes, 1989). For a country to formulate the measures it has to take to attain maritime security, it needs to evaluate the threats the oceans are exposed to which in turn affect the countries stability. Different countries have adopted different measures to ensure that their ports are safe. The most common threats that face the oceans include the threat to the maritime security itself. Today’s maritime environment is marked by complexity and ambiguity thus making it difficult to maintain and protect it. This is more pronounced in the maritime environment. This is enhanced by the operations carried out at the sea which exposes the countries to acts of terrorism. These kinds of attack are more dangerous and pure military actions may not be effective in fighting them. They thus require other measures and the countries exposed to such threats must device ways to combat them. Advancement in telecommunications and the expansion of the international and commercial logistics have led to an increase in the range and also the effects which arise due to the terrorist attacks. They have made it possible to enter even the borders considered to be most secure with great speed and for greater distances. Terrorists take advantage of such capabilities and cause great damage globally and also in the political and economic environment (Higgie, 2005). Maritime domain could also be used to export illegal goods to other countries thus posing a threat to the other country. Strict measures are thus required to cub this and to ensure that all transported goods are of high standards and are not harmful to the citizens in a country. Terrorism acts are rampant in the maritime domain. Fighting these threats is becoming more difficult since different terrorist groups from different countries have joined together due to the improved telecommunications. They also operate under the shadows thus making it hard to fight them. Cooperation amongst the member states is required to maintain maritime security. The increasing international trade through the maritime domain has also led to increased maritime related criminal activities. Such activities include smuggling of drugs and weapons to or out of a country. People smuggling has also been on the rise in the maritime domain especially in areas characterized by heavy commercial seas activities. In countries with unstable political environment, this is more rampant. Illegal immigration through the sea has been rampant in the recent past thus posing a major threat to maritime security and also to the economic and political stability of a country (Pugh, 1994). The main objective for the countries faced by these maritime threats is to eliminate or reduce the activities which pose these threats. One of the major steps towards preventing the terrorist attacks and other criminal and unlawful acts is through monitoring and controlling or patrolling the maritime borders. High seas areas which are of national interest should be safeguarded. Detecting and stopping criminal activities before they are committed is the main aim of the countries exposed to maritime threats. To be effective in detecting the threats to maritime security, the country has to be aware of the threat and have detective capabilities. Such knowledge helps in deterring and also defeating adversaries early enough before much damage have been caused (Higgie, 2005). Another objective of a country in cubing maritime insecurity is by protecting the critical maritime infrastructure and also the related population centers. All the main and important infrastructures both physical and network operations should be guarded by military facilities for security purposes. Population should also be controlled so as to make it difficult for people to collect information which could be used in committing criminal maritime acts. Overcrowding in the ports makes it easier for illegal immigration and smuggling of goods and people. The responsibility of protecting these infrastructures should be taken up by both the private and public sectors. A country should also work towards minimizing the damages which may arise in the maritime domain. Safeguarding the maritime domain and their resources from exploitation is another aim of a country (Pugh, 1994). For a country to attain maritime security, there are a number of things or requirement that it has to meet. There are no international standards which have been set to control, regulate or maintain maritime security and thus a country has to set its own standards and work towards maintaining maritime securities. However, as mentioned earlier the international maritime organization has set guidelines which a country may apply in dealing with maritime related issues. Attaining maritime security is a continuous activity especially with the emergence of different activities which are posing threats to maritime security. International cooperation and coordination is vital in achieving maritime security. Information sharing and also intelligence assistance are also vital in effective elimination of maritime insecurity. Public and private sectors should also work in cooperation to attain and secure maritime security (Hawkes, 1989). The minimum requirement is the acquiring of an identification card of maritime security. This card shows that the holder has been checked from his background and thus can work in the port unescorted. This card covers the seafarers and the persons working or who supply oil and gas facilities offshore. This card mainly operates in the Australian waters. For one to qualify to be given unmonitored access to the maritime security zone, one should not have an adverse criminal record and should be a citizen. If he is not a citizen, he must have a right to work in the country. Automatic identification systems are also a requirement in maritime security. These systems are supposed to be installed on commercial vessels which are on international voyage. This may include vessels used in fishing and even passenger vessels which are over 65’ in length (Office of the Press Secretary, 2003). Prescreening cargo before lading is also another requirement for attaining maritime security. All international cargos should be examined before they are allowed into a country to ascertain their safety and to eliminate possibilities of threats. Procedures to enforce action against a cargo suspected to be carrying illegal commodities or terrorists into or out of a country should be formulated. These procedures should be implemented and enforced to reduce the possibility of a repeat of the same action. Seizing cargo procedures should also be implemented and streamlined for easier confiscation of the goods or persons (Bahar, 2007). One of the vital requirements in achieving maritime security is by enhancing international cooperation amongst the member states. The oceans cover more than two thirds of the earth’s surface. As such, no single country can achieve maritime security on its own. Cooperation with other countries is thus a vital tool in achieving maritime security. Countries which are interested in attaining maritime security and are willing to fight terrorism and other maritime crime come together to device ways to combat these crimes. These countries should seek to understand the threats and prioritize them according to there urgency. Unified actions and plans are then implemented to reduce maritime insecurity (Hawkes, 1989). To enhance this cooperation, the nations should endeavor to standardize international security to ensure that all the goods and people going to a country through the maritime domain are not a threat to the citizens that country. The use of automated systems should be implemented to register maritime vessels, their ownership and also their operations. The crew operating them should also be registered as well as the cargo being transported to enhance transparency. The member states should also develop a mutual fund ensure effective and efficient implementation of measures to interdict criminals before the damages are done. The means of rapid exchanges amongst the government and intelligence agencies should also be enforced by the law and suspected criminals should be persecuted. Streamlined procedures should also be adopted to verify vessels nationality so as to take appropriate enforcement measures on time (Bahar, 2007). Another requirement for maritime security is the foreign vessel security plans. This requirement has a provision that members of SOLAS are not required to produce their security plans to coast guards for their vessels to be approved. However, those who are not affiliated to this group of SOLAS have to produce their security plans before being allowed to enter into a country. Their security plan should also comply with the measures which are stipulated in the trade agreement. SOLAS is an acronym for safety of life at seas. A vessel not complying with these requirements is denied entrance to a country. This is in operation in the united stated (Office of the Press Secretary, 2003). Vessel security plans is also another requirement for ensuring maritime security. All vessels are required to have security plans before being allowed to move in the American waters. This requirement however exempts vessels which carry less than one hundred and fifty passengers without considering the number of overnight passengers in the vessel. Other vessels exempted in this provision are the drilling units which are non self propelling and are operated offshore. Industrial vessels like the dredges are also exempted from the security plans provision for vessels. Facilities are supposed to come up with their individual plans for security. Exempted in this requirement are facilities which only service the passenger vessels but whose vessels do not carry passengers. Others are the public access facilities which are purely used for recreation and retail purposes by the public. Vessels which the public uses for entertainment and tourist purposes are also exempted. The owners and the operators of these exempted facilities are held responsible and are supposed to implement necessary security measures. These measures are supposed to comply with the area security plan (Office of the Press Secretary, 2003). These requirements are made possible and viable by offering assistance and training to the maritime security operators. Economic assistance is also vital in ensuring that maritime security among the nations is attained. Another way that the governments have done to ensure maritime security is maintained is by expanding the international port and maritime security officer programs. This ensures that the diverse threats posed by unlawful acts are minimized and awareness is created. The number of agency attaches has also been increased (Pugh, 1994). Deploying layered security is also another requirement for ensuring that maritime security is achieved and maintained. A system of layered security ensures that the capabilities of the member governments and those of commercial interests are integrated globally. Both the public and the private sectors can help in controlling terrorism activities if they could act in concert. These two sectors may use diverse though complementary measures to eliminate the criminal acts instead of relying on the government alone. A layered approach is not a static approach but keeps on being improved. These changes serve to create uncertainty thus reducing the possibility of terrorist attacks. This approach is mainly used in the most vulnerable areas like the marine transportation sector, passenger and cargo ferrying, staff and also in conveyances. It is also effective in ports and also the route of transportation (Bahar, 2007). Maximizing domain awareness is a vital tool in eliminating threats and maintaining peace and security in the maritime environment. Understanding the trends and all the events in a domain helps to predict likely events and also the possible threats facing a certain domain. Prior knowledge of the threats is important for securing the security of a maritime domain and also helps in reducing detrimental events. In trying to gain knowledge of the possible threats, the government and all the stakeholders should aim at trying to understand who their enemies are and their capabilities and also their goals. Factors influencing their behavior and also their organizational structure should be analyzed. A vital area is learning the adversary’s weak points and also the centers of their gravity. This knowledge is used in planning the course of action and also in deciding and prioritizing the allocation of resources. Awareness of maritime domain thus helps in earlier identification of threats and thus prompts appropriate actions to be taken to prevent such attacks (Higgie, 2005). Conclusion Maritime security as discussed above is not only vital to the seas environment but also affects the whole country and the world in general. No single country is immune to maritime threats and as such, all the countries should work together to attain maritime security. Creating awareness may be costly but should be advocated for to ensure that terrorist attacks and other criminal and hostile acts are recognized and deterred. Stern measures should be undertaken by the international body concerned with maritime security on countries that collude or allow terrorist to operate from their waters. Those convicted of violating maritime security should be persecuted and heavy punishment imposed so as to deter others from engaging in similar acts. However, while dealing with matters relating to maritime security, extra care should be taken. Damages caused by criminal acts via maritime domain may be devastating thus caution should be exercised. The countries should also strive at protecting the maritime domain from exploitation so as to preserve the ecosystem of the country as well as that of the aquatic life. Reference: Bahar M. (2007): Attaining Optimal Deterrence at Sea: A Legal and Strategic Theory for Naval Anti-Piracy Operations Journal article of Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, Vol. 40 Hawkes K. G. (1989): Maritime Security. ISBN 087033395X. Published by Cornell Maritime Press Higgie D. (2005): Combating Terrorism: Dell Higgie Surveys the International Counter-Terrorism Scene. Journal article of New Zealand International Review, Vol. 30 Office of the Press Secretary. (2003): Fact Sheet: Maritime Security Requirements. Retrieved on 10th December 2008 from, http://www. dhs. gov/xnews/releases/press_release_0282. shtm. Pugh M. C. (1994): Maritime Security and Peacekeeping: A Framework for United Nations Operations. ISBN 0719045630. Published by Manchester University Press

Coffee Drinking Habits Essay

Kantar Media’s Global TGI research (www. globaltgi. com) has explored coffee consumption in different countries, as branches of global coffee house chains become a permanent fixture in even the most far-flung corners of the world. Perhaps surprisingly for a nation once renowned for its tea-drinking, consumers in Great Britain are some of the most likely to visit a cafe for their caffeine fix, report researchers. They share this position with Italians and, among the eight countries analysed, are beaten only by people in Israel, where 75% of respondents visit coffee shops, reports Kantar. The research also reveals the ongoing debate as to the virtues of instant versus filter coffee is alive and well. Whereas 86% of Italians drink ‘proper’ coffee, only 6% of them will consider using instant. Israelis are the highest consumers of instant coffee at 80%, followed by Russians at 72%. Great Britain and Turkey scored low on the ground coffee scale, with 19% and 15% respectively. This research confirms in GB people tend to go to coffee shops for the ‘real deal’ and are generally content with instant coffee at home, said Kantar. Drinking coffee, whether at home or in a cafe, instant or filter, is a global pastime,† said Tracy Allnutt, head of commercial development at Global TGI. â€Å"Global TGI provides brand owners with a flavour for how their marketing strategies should differ by country in order that they reflect the needs of the target market. † The research is the first in a series of ‘Factoids’ produced by Kantar Media’s Global TGI. Scheduled bi-monthly and covering topical issues, they will provide bite-size pieces of information for brand managers in between the more in-depth Dispatches reports undertaken by the company.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Federal Medical Malpractice Reform Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Federal Medical Malpractice Reform - Case Study Example The American Medical association and several Congressional work groups including the Simpson-Bowles commission and the Domenici-Rivlin Debt Reduction Task Force have voiced strong opinion that reform in the sector lies at the heart of servicing federal deficit and securing justice for injured patients. The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that in the next decade up to $ 62.4 billion will be spent on a defective medical malpractice system. In light of these facts and the majority public support for reform in the sector, the failure of the bipartisan malpractice reform bill at the senate that was slated to cap non-economic damages at $250, 000 and indeed countrywide failure to comprehensively enact reform legislation requires a return to the drawing board. Medical liability reform is at the heart of health care access. Key Concepts of Malpractice Reform The sky-rocketing premium costs incurred in covering doctors from malpractice suits much publicized court cases involving phy sicians has been argued to be behind the cut-backs in risky medical procedure that deprived ordinary Americans much needed medical services. This feature termed defensive medicine has ramifications that go beyond just the health department. In certain states physicians are planning to move to states where premiums are lower and insurers are exiting the industry. The problem is partly judicial as out-of-control jury awards have caused the unrestrained rise in costs, (Pozgar, 2011). Because of these hefty insurance costs that are passed on to patients, they drive inflation in the medical sector. Thus any health plan that is directed at liability reform should have measures aimed at stabilizing these rising costs. Of importance is the cap on non-economic damages which has the effect of stemming surges of indemnity losses by lowering the severity of claims and consequently premiums. Non-economic damages, sometimes termed hedonic damages, compensate harms that are hard to quantify. Every aspect of malpractice award can be quantified save for this and left to the discretion of the jury. The cap could be enhanced by allowing punitive damages. These have also been shown to have a significant impact on costs tied to the medical malpractice system (Kachalia & Mello, 2011). An offset for collateral payment could also lower the financial exposure of physicians and also the multiplicity of suits at which damages are collected. There have been recent developments that have impacted how much premium health care providers paid and the possible exposure risked. Among these are; physician exit of carriers in the market that offer affordable rates and over which physicians have some degree of control; growth of hospital self-insurance that creates a risk pool enabling more high-risk features; by affiliating with their institutions, hospitals that buy policies for their doctors stabilize insurance costs passed to doctors and finally the emergence of joint underwriting association s and patient compensation funds that cover losses exceeding the care provider’s policy limit. Other developments work to raise these costs. These are claim-made policies as opposed to occurrence policies that leave wide berth for a multiplicity of suits on which further damages are collected since they are filed once a year; increases in re-insurance costs are passed on to the doctors by their primary insurers. A dip in investment returns also

Monday, October 7, 2019

Schooling and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Schooling and Society - Essay Example Thus, the curriculum in education was extremely utilitarian-valuable and useful (Chitty 2004). However, the young generation of the 21st century were not blinded by the management of the government and Beare (2001, p.6) described them as the most ruthless critics of the present management of the world and and the least likely to be estranged. The young generation witnessed the need for a lot of change in the schools' goals and aims, impositions from interests, school operation, and the kind of students to produce. However, it was observed that the schools that are looking for the economically productive, the achievements of individual students, the values of schools, the tangible and intangible outcomes of schooling, the impact of schools on the labour market, and the responsibility for societal well-being have lessen in time. In the beginning of the 21st century, accountability, which is the reliability that comes with the control, power and responsibility to perform something, became the most necessary in most educational systems (Heim 1996). This essay aims to give an overview of the changing educational systems due to the demands of good performance from the working society. As strengths and weaknesses are discussed, the question lies if accountability truly meets the demands that professional performance should improved in their outcomes. Accountability became an international issue during the bloom of the 21st century (Anderson 2005). A lot of European school systems such as those of England and France make use of examinations in measuring student's entre to the next educational level. Anderson (2005, p.3) noted that accountability systems represent already established communal values and aspirations. Educational opportunity has been replaced by equal attainment which is concerned with equal access and treatment to education. But the question is what should be expected of children to learn in exchange for the formal education they obtained. Anderson (2005, p.4) noted that this is based on values, aspirations, expectations and goals society wants their citizens to achieve. Research has shown (Ylimaki et al. 2007) that school's ability to perform successfully to improve student achievement is being hindered by poverty. However, Ylimaki (2007, p.362) mentioned that schools in the USA, England and Australia are accountable for the success of all children, ignoring the social contexts the children are in. All politicians try to raise the educational standards of schools in order to help the mass education (Chitty 2004). However, providing education in the lower classes could be damaging to their morals and happiness and may teach them how to despise their present status in life. Thus, education was seen in utilitarian terms in which purposes of educational standards is mainly to prepare children for the working life. It is a social function of schooling that suggests a promotion of a form of education that is already opened to modern ideas and ready to challenge past conventions which tackle issues of equity and social justice. Schools aim to aid in helpin g to build a strictly extensive society where cultural, racial, and religious forms of diversity are observed. This is relevant for accountability in education involves the different social classes within