Saturday, August 31, 2019

Big Ass English Paper

Throughout his life Ender has to worry about a whole lot ore than if a girl likes him, Ender has to think and decide whether or not he has it in him to save the world. Most people have their entire early lives/childhood to decide what they want to do, but Ender never had the opportunity to have a proper childhood, he was robbed off childhood. So all of this Is great, but what does It really mean to be robbed of something?According to Oxford Dictionaries, â€Å"rob† means, to â€Å"Deprive (someone or something) of something needed, deserved, or significant† (Use 1. 3). â€Å"Robbed of† also means to â€Å"Take property unlawfully from a person by force or threat of force† (Use 11. Finally, â€Å"rob† means to â€Å"Overcharge (someone or something)† (Use 1. 1 The most appropriate definition is to â€Å"Deprive someone of something needed, deserved, or significant. † Children are being â€Å"deprived,† defined as to â€Å"Deny a person the possession or use of something†. Of something needed, deserved, or significant] in this case it is significant and proven, as â€Å"There is a growing body of research that shows a link between play and the development of cognitive and social skills that are prerequisites for learning more complex concepts as children get older†(Dry. Leone). If hillier only work and don't have any time to go outside or have social interaction then kids will be less successful than if they had the free time.Basically Dry. Leone Is saying that If kids don't have a childhood, then they will be less successful. What exactly Is a childhood then? A childhood Is defined by Oxford Dictionaries, as â€Å"The state of being a child†. Or â€Å"The period during which a person is a child† (â€Å"Childhood† 1. 1 Which technically everyone experiences, but as portrayed in most movies children don't experience stress and certainly don't think about the world ending.The difference between a child who is stress free up until adulthood and Ender is the one who is stress free only worries about his own fate, therefore, only thinks about his own opinion and doesn't have to think about what is best for other people but only what is important to him. Ender has to think about how he will get through the training without being ruined mentally, or being killed by others in the school. At first in the academy he was concerned about his grades, he was passing all of his classes but he was worried about being distracted and allowing his grades to slip.But later In the year he had no choice but to give up school work all together and 100 percent on saving humanity as well as surviving the attacks from his list of enemies (which When Ender was in school and being tested, he learned many things. All of which were things that adults learn when they are in the military, but Ender (along with hundreds of other boys and girls), is forced to act like an adult from a young age which may put him at a disadvantage when compared to those who had free time as a child.Someone cannot live or function properly if they have been deprived of a childhood. In relation to children being â€Å"given back† their childhoods, Peter Gray (A research professor of psychology at Boston College, and author of ‘Psychology) said, â€Å"The real problems Vive faced in life include physical ones (such as how to operate a newfangled machine at work or unblock the toilet at home), social ones (how to get that perfect woman to be interested in me), moral ones (whether to give a passing grade to a student, for effort, though he failed all the tests)† (Gray 1).From his career and his life or as a teacher, or even as a student, he learned a lot of things, but all of hose did nothing to help him when he was confronted by odd problems. Strange things that could only be dealt with if one had experienced them before, and the only way to do that is by allowing children to have more time for play and less time for work. Although Ender is an orphan, he can still experience these things, and by saying he wouldn't be able to have play because he was signed to the military, would be saying that because he is an orphan, he does not deserve time for play.Gray continues on to say, â€Å"Most problems in life cannot be solved with formulae or memorized answers of the type learnt in school† (Gray 1). Kids need time to be able to figure things out on their own. While some ,like Auk's education secretary, think that more hours in school will raise test scores, others like the Chinese ministry of education, issued a report calling for less time in school, less homework, and less reliance on test scores as a means of Judging schools. So if children were given more time to play (games) instead of taking tests, they could be more successful.Many people, like Hillarie Cash (a Technology addictions expert), say that kids who rarely play outside make it a habit to stay inside rather than going out with friends. Some would say that Ender plays games his whole life with his friends, which although is partly true, children need to have minimal structure and to have an environment which isn't pressured. Additionally 95% of the children Ender plays with are either not his friends and there for the training, or they obviously hate him and make an effort to bully/harass Ender or Just make his life a living hell.The entire time that Ender is battling, people are watching and Judging him, they are also constantly making things more challenging for him so as soon as he becomes comfortable with nee thing they make it more difficult and he is forced to adapt (like in battle). They are doing this by adding more games in a day and by forcing him to do things he does not want to do. The best way (and way it is argued in above articles) is to have the children choose their own games, or to play games/sports they enjoy playing.This is because t he children learn quicker and easier if they have fun while doing something, and while Ender enjoyed himself at first, right about when he was made a commander he started to hate the position because of the amount of work he had to do without frequent breaks, or breaks at all. Much like Ender, people from different cultures in the past have also been limited by their government or way of life. For example in India they had the caste system, affirmative action (positive discrimination)† (Independence Hall Association).The caste system included four levels of a pyramid, they have the Brahmins, Ashtrays, Visas, and Sutras. Although there is no social pyramid with Ender, they have a rule that families cannot have more than two children unless they sign one over to the military. This sounds terrible but Mender's parents did this because both of their prior hillier almost made it into the army but they had their own personality flaws on opposite poles, Valentine was too nice, and Pe ter was too mean.Because of this, Mender's parents thought (and hoped) that if they had a child on either side of the spectrum, that their third child would be in the center, perfectly balanced. The original definition of â€Å"deprive† is â€Å"Take property unlawfully from (a person or place) by force or threat of force† (â€Å"Childhood† 1). This when used in the above thesis is stating that a childhood is a child's property, and you are committing a crime and literally robbing them. Ender is technically robbed from his parents because when Graff asked them if he could talk to Ender outside (alone), and declined, he said, muff really can't stop me. † (Card 51).When he says this he is reminding them that before Ender was born he was given away to the government, and if Graff wanted to, he could take Ender away and they wouldn't be able to stop him or do anything about it. Another, more playful, definition of â€Å"rob† is, â€Å"informal or diale ct steal† (â€Å"Rob† 1. 2). Although this definition in this form is in a more Joking manner, it still has some very good examples to go with it. Ender robs (â€Å"Rob† 1. 2) others of winning frequently, and robs his friends of the commander position. Ender would frequently win games and subsequently rob others of their positions on the leaderless as well.The definition of overcharge is â€Å"To lay an excessive burden (of trouble, care, responsibility, etc. ) upon; to press hard, oppress, distress, overtax; to overbear by superior force† (â€Å"Overcharge† 2. 2) . This definition relates to Mender's Game because throughout the book, Ender and his friends/enemies say things hinting about the game having real people in them. At one point prior to fighting Bonze Ender said four move†(Card 208). Bonze then replied with, â€Å"This isn't a game† (Card 208). When Bonze tells Ender this isn't a game, even though he isn't referring to battle s, and is instead, referring to the fight.The author is giving away the end of the book Just in this short quote. Additionally after changing his battle schedule to more than two battles a day -when the normal is one battle per day-, one of the people in the government said, â€Å"We want to teach him, not give him a nervous breakdown† (Card 210). In this quote they are directly talking about overcharging, or laying an excess burden on Ender. They are intentionally making his battle schedule ridiculous so he will be the best he can be, and be prepared regardless of the circumstances.People from the government always give Ender more and more challenging tasks or things that people have never had to deal with before. When they do this to Ender, he is given an excessive responsibility which is also a huge burden. As Ender is trained more frequently and harder, the challenges he deals with gradually become more and more challenging, and unsurprisingly, Ender becomes more distress ed and emotionally taxed. A perfect example would be when he would dream about Valentine, Peter, and all of his friends, and wake up â€Å"eating† his hand or scared.Those reactions show how taxing the training is on Ender and his mental health. That the battle was easier than most of the other -simulation- battles he fought. Amaze responded with, â€Å"This is a simulation of a real invasion. † making Ender believe that the battle was an easy starting simulation, and continues on to say, â€Å"There had to be one battle where they wouldn't know what we would do. † (Card 280). In this section, Amaze is depriving Ender of his right to know what is reality and what is a emulation, and by doing so, Amaze is able to have full control over Ender and make him do whatever he wants.In the end of the book after Ender defeated the Bugger's and won the war. Amaze told Ender , â€Å"†¦ They all were there and you destroyed them all. Real. Not a game† it then say s â€Å"Mender's mind was too tired to cope with it all† (Card, 297). In this passage you can really see how tired Ender is and how he really had no idea how to cope with that kind of trauma at the time. For the last four plus years he was very stressed, the last few years especially because of all of the additional stuff he had to suffer wrought.Ender throughout his entire life was training to one day be able to be a â€Å"real† commander, when he was a real commander the whole time. This sort of lying was used because they knew if they didn't lie, that Ender wouldn't want to actually kill (questionably innocent) bugger's, and especially wouldn't want to risk the lives of his own soldiers, and Maser's friends, for what could potentially be a pointless war. As proven above, a childhood has a lot of positive effects on a child, and without a childhood, a child could be at a disadvantage mentally when compared to another who had more time away from constant schooling and stress.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Life Suceed In That It Seems To Fail Essay

Life has resilient nature, it never let hope to cut off even in the lurch. It arrives at specific conditioning through entertaining demands at variable intervals and in variable amounts and some times at discretion. This comes up with optimism. Optimism let one to crow over even in inauspicious conditions. In fact life do miracles in lurch conditions and turns the corner. It triumphs, when there is no hope of its victory. Traditional stories, which are being recounted by a man to a child, have the ultimate positive end. They implants in the flesh and blood that every bad and the worst have a well chosen end. And in actual the same comes about. A death bed patient, for an ordinary example, bears a charmed life. A stuck labor in a mine is rescued after a couple of days. These off and then are the very reason that the hope dies but with the last breath. If we dive deep in the history of world, we come up that every time when there was no way out but stars were in the ascendant. Subcontinent’s fate in 17th century was hanging in balance. All India National Congress decided it in complete darkness. Germany, when it was quite at sea, found the hope in the shape of Hitler. USA was quite at its wit’s end and was about to gave up all in vain after ten years war but it made a pile and turned the table by killing Osama. On contrary there are many cases where felicity is left awaited and never comes. A pathetic poor man facing adverse economic situations, for instance, annihilates itself because he/she remains unable to discover light in future. Over all, life is beautiful having optimistic nature and whenever it is being challenged it nails its color to the mast.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Past, Present and the Future of the Internet

THE PAST, PRESENT AND THE FUTURE OF THE INTERNET; AND HOW IT’S AFFECT THE ENVIRONMENT. Abstract The present paper connotes problems with the uses of the internet nowadays and the implication of it especially to the environment. This research will start from the early stage of the internet, then goes to the current IT industry and lastly what do we aspect in the future based on what we already achieved today. This research also is conducted purposely to make people understand the risk of it as this issue is not having been discussed openly with others.There is no argument for the rapid development in IT industry will make the life getting easier, but we also need to know behind the curtain about this technology as human invention will never get perfect. Table of content Page 1) Introduction4 2) Literature review6 3) Methodology8 4) Findings / Data Analysis9 5) Discussion on Findings13 6) Conclusion15 7) References17 8) Appendix 18 1) INTRODUCTION 1. Background of Study Internet is disruptive. Largely for better, internet has disrupted the way we travel, communicate, conduct business, produce, socialize and manage our homes and lives.This disrupt ability has potential to reduce our dependence on dirty energy and make society cleaner, more efficient and powered renewability. Parts of our individual lives are becoming more efficient even as we consume more. Internet can enable us to cut down on energy intensive practice by allowing us to work from home with teleconferencing and telecommuting tools. Now we can read our electricity use in real time and manage it better accordingly. We also can stream music on the internet instead of taking up space on our hard drive.Nevertheless, as we applaud the positive, visible impacts and measurable, game changing potential of internet, we also need to pay attention to what is behind the curtain. The internet sector has a choice to make as the demand for internet based product and service has grows exponentially. In the U nited States, Europe and particularly in developing economies such as India and China, so does amount of data we produce globally. 2. Statement of problem The increasing of uses of internet rapidly consumes more energy for them to provide the service.It is a good sign of our technology. Unfortunately, most of Internet Company facilities are still use coal based energy to power up their data centre and its office. This problem should not take lightly as million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) had been release in the air as a result of us who are using the internet uncontrolled every day. With the releasing the large amount of CO2 to the air, it will decrease our ozone layer that can result many damaged and catastrophic to the earth such as climate change, global warming and skin cancer.So this problem can contribute to be cause of many disasters that we already face these days. 3. Objective of study I. To find out the usage of internet and digital device from the past to the future. I I. To understand the impact of rapid developing technology and the internet to the environment. 4. Research questions The research questions that have been formulated for this study are: I. Does use of internet can contribute to pollution? II. How much damaged of this technology to the environment? 2) LITERATURE REVIEWThe internet history was started from 29 October 1969, when the first message in ARPANET (Advance Research Project Agency Network) between computers at UCLA (University California, Los Angeles) to another computer in Stanford Research Institute. The first message that had been sent is a word ‘LOGIN’ but the computer at UCLA suddenly crashed and only word ‘LO’ that had been sent. In early development, there’re only 4 computers in the network which is UCLA, Stanford, UTAH and University of California, Santa Barbara. Now, we have millions of computers including portable device that can access the internet in one time (Prouser, 2011).After 40 years since the first message in ARPANET, now we get the benefit from it. After countless of development, internet nowadays can be access almost everywhere. The internet technology was rapidly evolved faster than automotive industry. The device that we use to access the internet also becomes more powerful. Now, we can get faster speed access, increased of storage capabilities, and broader device connectivity such as hand phone and tablet PC besides of desktop computers and laptop (Neolabels, 2010). The number of internet user was reached to 3 billion users in 2010 (Cisco, 2011).To support the huge amount of users, there are currently about 44 millions servers in the world. This amount of servers were contribute about 2% of carbon emissions or the same average of aviation industry or medium size country such as Argentina and Sweden (Forrest, Kaplan, & Kindler, 2008). This is because, according to Gary Cook & Jodie Van Horn (April 2011), â€Å"The technologies of the 21st century are still largely powered by the dirty coal power of the past, with over half of the companies rated herein relying on coal for between 50% and 80%of their energy needs.This means the internet industry also producing carbon emissions like other company despite that we did not realize it† (p. 5). they also claims that we have generated 1. 2 zettabytes of digital information with our tweets, YouTube videos, Facebook status updates, iTunes downloads, emails and other data transfers. In another study, Koomey (2008) finds out that worldwide electricity used by data centres are doubled from 2000 to 2005. The data centre's that house this explosion of digital information currently consume more than 3% of US electricity, and approximately 1. % to 2% of global electricity, growing at a rate of approximately 12% annually. Greenpeace ( March 2010) had release their report called Make IT Green; claims the electricity consumption of data centres may be as much as 70% higher than previously predicted. The combined electricity demand of the internet globally is 662bn kWh and would rank the fifth among countries beating electricity consumption in India, Germany, Canada, Brazil and United Kingdom. According to the information that taken from the web publication from Cisco, ‘networking solutions sub solution’ retrieved from http://www. mashable. om (2010) by; Internet traffic is projected to approach 1 zettabyte per year in 2015; that is equivalent of all the digital data in existence in 2010. Regionally speaking, traffic is expected to more than double in the Middle East and Africa, where there will be an average of 0. 9 devices per person for a projected population of 1. 39 billion. Latin America is close behind, with a 48% increase in traffic and an estimated 2. 1 devices per person among a population of 620 million. 3) METHODOLOGY The research is mainly focus on IIUM students in all major from different background of kuliyyah.This is because to make it ea sy and not bias only to specific student or specific respondent. Unfortunately, the research did not include respondent of the outside of IIUM because of a few limitation. The respondents were also selected from the mahallah to respond the questionnaires. 1. Population and Sampling Approximately the questionnaires that were been delivered to the IIUM students are about 20 questionnaires. By using random sampling, they were distributed the questionnaire to the student and then take it back after they finish with the questionnaire. 0 respondents were selected from male student and 10 more respondents from the female student around the IIUM campus and mahallah. 2. Instrumentation and Data Collection The data about uses of the internet is gathered by making the survey. In the survey, the data was collected by answering a set of questionnaire which consists of 8 questions. The survey question, the students were asked about their own experience and how regularly they are on using internet in their basic life every day. The survey form is divided to two sections which are section A and B. ection A is for responded personal information and section B is for closed-ended questions. 4) FINDINGS / DATA ANALYSIS 1. Findings 2. Data analysis Based on the survey made during the research, the first question which is determine whether they are using the internet or not, the result shows that all or 100% of the respondents are using the internet. This is because the policy and method on the IIUM itself in encouraging their student to use internet. They need to use the internet at least for register their subject for new semester in their year of study.Other than that, the students also need to use the internet to search the source of their assignment and learning throughout the semester. The second question was to determine how frequent the respondent to access the internet in one week. Based on my survey, at was it is clearly shows that most of them, which consist of 58% are a ccessing the internet every day. It was left others option by far which is only 26% of respondent are accessing in 4 to 6 days a week, followed by 2 to 3 days, 11% and lastly once a week which is 5%. From this question,The next question that was asked in the survey was the time they spent every day on the internet. Most of them spent their time on internet about 1 to 3 hours a day. It was followed by respondent that only spent less than 1 hour which consists about 30% and lastly, only 10% of them are surfing more than 3 hours a day. Social network are the most often website that the respondent visit compare to the other type of website. There is 50% of them are spent their time surfing on the internet by visiting to social network such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, BlogSpot, and online game. 5% of the respondents are frequently use internet for multimedia website such as YouTube, Vivo, and also music download website. The third place goes to was on instant messaging which contribut e about 15% of the respondent. They prefer to use Yahoo Chat, Google Talk or Facebook chat when they are on-line. Unfortunately, only 10% of them are using the internet for check their e-mail. This result shows that respondent are using the internet for entertainment and socialize rather than use it for something that really beneficial to them. The next question that was asked in the survey was the number of devices that they have.This question is to prove that in the future, the number of device on every person is increasing. In the survey, the result found that most of them have at least one or two device which consists of 45% and 40% respectively. This result was influence of many students at least has laptop or desktop on them besides of cell phone that also can access the internet. Only 5% of them did not have and 10% have 3 or more device that can access the internet. The types of device that respondent have been asked on the question number six in the survey. As expected, mos t of them, which is 95% have laptop or desktop which can access the internet.Hand phone was on the second place which consist 13 respondent or 65% of the respondent have this device that can access the internet. Only 15% and 10% of them have tablet PC and other device such as music player and gaming device. The result on question seven was surprising. From the survey, only 8 respondents hear about the pollution that can occur from the uses of the internet which consist only 40% of them. Other respondents never heard about this topic ever before. From this question, we can see that there are still a lot of people that are not aware about this issue.This is because the pollution effect is we barely can see in naked eye. Also, this pollution is majorly consumed by IT Company rather than a person. The question number eight that was asked in the survey is about the source of information that respondent get about the issue. From the survey, we can conclude that the respondent majorly hear d about this issue from newspaper or magazine which contributes about 33%, followed by from internet which is 25%. Both source, which is from friends and educations or lecture are only consist about 17%. Lastly, 8% of the respondent had heard this issue from other resource such as advertisement and seminar. ) DISCUSSION ON FINDINGS The finding shows that majorly students in IIUM have the experience in using the internet. The finding is very contrast if we done this research back to 10 years before. In that day, only a few of student who have the computer and it can be categorized as a luxury item (Leiner B, Cerf V, Clark D, (2001). This situation is parallel to the point that the development of IT technology is faster than other technology such as automobile and builds construction. The time IIUM student spent on the internet also very long. Most of them spent their time about 1 to 3 hours a day.By the time passed, they do not realized how they are wasting their time in front of the ir laptop every day only for checking their Facebook, reading about gossip on the blog, even watching videos on Youtube. This is the reflect on the example that Allah stated in al-Quran: â€Å"By Al-Asr (the time). Verily! Man is loss. Except such as have faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and Patience and Constancy† (p. 601). With the amount of device that respondent have in this day, there is not impossible that the users of internet will be quadruple in 2015.The increase of smart device in the market and more affordable electronic device that use and can access the internet, slowly increase the chance for the people to connect to the internet in the future. This theory also being supported by Odlyzko (2000) who forecasted the explosive growth in small mobile devices, which will often have small storage and low bandwidth over wireless links, and thus will be most useful if they can get data from local storage. This model also allows for easy integration with special hardware for intellectual property protection. Unfortunately, there is still a small amount of us that aware about this issue.This might be the lack of information that can be spread to the people as a clear lack of transparency from major IT brands is the one biggest reason behind this imprecision. (Teske, 2010). The other reason is this pollution is not majorly contributed from the users. The pollution are majorly contribute from the IT company that use a huge amount of energy to power up the system. They need that energy to fulfill the demand needed by users. 6) CONCLUSION In conclusion, this research has investigated the revolution of the internet from the beginning to the present, until what we aspect in the uture and the effect of the most rapid developing technology to the environment. As mentioned earlier in the introduction, the purpose of this study was to find out usage of internet and digital device from the past to the future an d to understand the impact of rapid developing technology and internet to the environment. The results of the investigation show that there are no sign of decreasing in internet development in current time or in the future. The technology was continuously evolve and every day, more people start using internet in their daily life.Despite of all effort that big tech company done to minimize the effect, there is still possibilities that the pollution that cause from internet uses become worse as the users are increasing from day to day. The limitation of this research is in the methodology which is I only done the data collection around the IIUM and not outside. This will make the data value are not really accurate. As we all know, there are still people do not use internet in their entire live especially some people that live in the village or some area that did not have internet coverage area.Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, here are several recommendations to be c onsidered. Firstly, as for the big tech company that provide internet service and using data centre, they can use other energy source to power it up rather than rely heavily to coal based energy. For example, even though Facebook Company relies heavily on coal energy, their data centre was powered up by mixing it with wind and solar energy, saving about 2. 5 million kWh per year or 1,065 tonnes of CO2. Other method is by using virtualizing.Virtualizing is a method of running multiple independent virtual operating systems on a single physical computer. It is a way to maximizing physical resources to maximize the investment in hardware. For example, from 200 servers, we can reduce it to only 25 servers by using this method. It can save thousands of energy per year and reduce the cost of maintenance. As for the user, we can contribute by minimizing the uses if internet by reducing the time that we consume to surf the internet and also only access the internet when we really need to acc ess it. 7) REFERENCE Al-Quran, Surah Al-Asr: 1-3.Cook, G. (2011). How dirty is your data? A look at the energy choices that power cloud computing. Amsterdam. Greenpeace International. Cisco (2010). Networking solutions sub solution. Retrieved from http://www. mashable. com Forrest, W. , Kaplan, J. M. & Kindler, N. (2008). Data Centers: How to Cut Carbon Emissions and Costs. McKinsey & Company. Greenpeace (2010). Make IT green: cloud computing and its contribution to climate change, Greenpeace International. Koomey, G. (2008). Worldwide electricity used in data centre. Environment Research Letters. IOP Publishing. Leiner, B, et al. (2001).The past and future history of the internet. Communication of the ACM. Neolabels (2010). Digital life: today and tomorrow. Retrieves from http://digitallife. neolabels. com Odlyzko, A. (2000). The history of communications and its implications for the Internet. AT Labs Research. Prouser. (2011). Where the internet was born. Retrieved from http://www . reuters. com/news Teske, S. (2010). Energy [r]evolution: a sustainable world energy outlook. Greenpeace International, European Renewable Energy Council (EREC). 8) APPENDIX SURVEY ABOUT THE USERS OF INTERNET AMONG THE IIUM STUDENTS SECTION A AGE: |LEVEL OF STUDY : | |GENDER : |NATIONALITY : | SECTION B 1) Do you use the internet? Yes No *(if yes, the survey ends here) 2) In a week, how many days do you spend in the internet? Once A Week2-3 Days A Week 4-5 Days A WeekEvery Day 3) In average, how much time do you spend in the internet? Less than 1 hour1-3 hoursMore than 3 hours 4) What type of website do you often visit when surfing the internet? Social NetworkMultimedia E-MailInstant Messaging 5) How many device(s) do you have that can access the internet? Not HaveOne TwoThree or More 6) What kind of devices do you have that can access the internet? Laptop/Desktop PCHandphone Tablet PCOthers: _____________ 7) Do you ever heard about the pollution that occurs from the uses of the in ternet? Yes No 8) If yes, where do you hear about this? Newspaper/MagazineFriends InternetEducations/Lectures Others: _____________ SURVEY ENDS HERE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION

PERSONAL PAPER IBEW LOCAL 3 Electrical Apprentice...How Electrical Essay

PERSONAL PAPER IBEW LOCAL 3 Electrical Apprentice...How Electrical Theory Class should be more of a hands on learning class the - Essay Example By stimulating my mind, not only does my interest and desire for what I am working on or with grow, but my learning is also affected in as much as I will learn and retain more information. Whereas in the case of lecturing only, it leaves the mind the opportunity to wander and not absorb as much information as it could. Lectures, books and training videos are all excellent sources to glean information. The problem remains, without a more hands-on approach, the information will likely become stagnant and ultimately forgotten. It is my desire to be an electrician, and forgetting vital information is not an option. In addition, I think it is essential in the overall learning process that by using a more hands-on approach, my teacher will also create an atmosphere of learning how to handle myself in a hazardous situation. If my teacher only gives me the education on how and why electricity works and acts as it does, how am I, in such a volatile environment, going to learn how to handle my self and act or react appropriately? My teacher is very highly educated, is fully aware, and understands the activity of electricity. That is vital, but it is equally important that I learn how to demonstrate what I have been taught in a safe, calm and professional manner. Often, people who have not received enough hands-on training overreact, panic or create a feeling of dread when they realize the true dangers they are dealing with. According to Dr. Michael Burke of Tulane University, this feeling is referred to the â€Å"dread factor†. given a more hands-on â€Å"training environment, †¦[we] are faced more acutely with the †¦dangers of the job and they are †¦more motivated to learn about such dangers and how to avoid them.† this applies to everyone in my class, because our actions and words will have a large impact on how we handle a given situation, and could be the difference between life and death. The hazards that any electrician faces are dauntin g, but with proper training and understanding, they are highly attuned to what is going on around them and act accordingly. In a more hands-on learning setting, it is more motivating to the apprentice to learn and use the knowledge gained. Hands-on learning also provides a social aspect to learning that would otherwise not occur. This social construct provides more details concerning the hazards and consequences of not acting or reacting responsibly. People in general are motivated by self-preservation and not knowing and understanding potential dangers is perilous to them as well as others. This lends itself to another aspect of hands-on learning that a lecture simply cannot provide. We as humans understand our weaknesses, no matter how strong or weak we may perceive ourselves to be. This understanding of our vulnerabilities is key to understanding how we learn. It is a huge motivator to learn actions, words and feelings that are unfamiliar, and address them in a controlled environ ment where a â€Å"life-threatening† situation is occurring. This way of learning will not only improve knowledge of electricity, its components and capabilities, but will also show, through experience, how to handle volatile situations.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Terrorism, Urban Guerrillas, The Case of Greece, Interaction of the Essay

Terrorism, Urban Guerrillas, The Case of Greece, Interaction of the phenomenon with the city - Essay Example Coming to violence, there has been an evolution of the means and methods used in the past and those of the modern twenty first century. The barbarity of the old form of violence cannot be expected to come back in modern sophisticated times. However as Baudrillard observes, the violence of the old â€Å"was more enthusiastic and more sacrificial than ours† (Baudrillard, 1993, p. 75). In contrast, the violence of modern times is more of â€Å"terror† struck by the changing ideologies of hypermodernity. Hoffman calls this a â€Å"simulacrum of violence†. This change in the form and objectives of the terrorists over the years can be explained with the psychoanalysis of Baudrillard and Lacan and the interplay of the symbolic and the imaginary. It is also important to note here the role of the unconscious, its connection to the Real and the way it is related to terrorists’ activities (without any definite objective). Terrorists function with the bigger goal of s timulating the psyche of the masses across the word and creating a strong global impact, thus acting within a symbolic order and trying to create meaning. A simulacrum is the representation of the reality according to Borges fable where the map represented the changing territories of the Empire. Simulation can no more be anything substantial; it is rather something, which originates from nothing or a ‘void’, ideally referred as the ‘hyperreal’ - â€Å"truth that hides the fact that there is none† (Baudrillard, 1994, p.1). The act of simulation refers to the pretention of having something which one does not possess. However this simulation might challenge or threaten the gap between what is true and false or the real and the imaginary. For instance, a person who pretends to be sick needs to produce some of the symptoms of the illness to make it look like the truth. Now if illnesses can be produced then medicine does not hold its significance. Psychoan alysis explains this as the transfer of the â€Å"symptom of the organic order to the unconscious order: the latter is new and taken for â€Å"real† more real than the other.† (Baudrillard, 1994, p.3) Baudrillard in his work The Transparency of Evil refers to such simulation of terrorism the result of a ‘plunge into the void’ by the society (Baudrillard, 1993, p.76). Normally, the military law would punish the simulator after he is unmasked, following the identification norm. Military psychology avoids Cartesian certainties and believes that if one is good at producing the symptoms then one actually is that good. The unconscious is therefore the real to Baudrillard (Baudrillard, 1994, p.4). The relation is no more similar to the map and the territory. The relation can be more easily explained by the mention of the screen, which evokes the passion for the action. It is all about the violence in form of image. Baudrillard stresses on the presence of media wh en he observes this – â€Å"it is advisable not to be in a public place where television is operating, considering the high probability that its very presence will precipitate a violent event† (Baudrillard, 1993, p. 75). The media therefore provides a modern dimension to the incidence of violence. The causes when analyzed do not refer to the typical political, sociological or psychological reasons, which can explain such events. It is rather about publicity, which creates the mass appeal required. The same thing happened where hijackers

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Labor Relations in Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Labor Relations in Education - Essay Example Because the workers in the labor force are employed by other people, they are called employees. Not included are the self-employed--those who make their living from the fees they receive from their clients or patients. In the early days of industry most business and industrial organizations were run and managed by the people who owned them. As organizations grew larger, corporations were formed. A corporation is an organization in which a group of persons is permitted by law to act as one person. A corporation is permitted to sell shares of stock--representing ownership--in a business. In this way, many people outside an organization may actually own it. As corporations grow, it becomes necessary to hire people to manage them. These people work for salary, but their responsibilities are very much like those of the owner-manager. Their job is to represent the owner in running the business. They belong to management. Management, then, is the group of individuals within an organization that is responsible for setting goals and directing the production of goods or services. This group includes managers who are also owners of the company, as well as managers who are employed by the company. The owner or president and the top officials clearly belong to management, as do managers who represent the owner or those who run the organization. Agreement and Disagreement between Labor and Management Labor and management agree in some areas and disagree in others. Both have a common interest in a healthy economy. Both wish to see the economy grow, so that more goods and services are bought. This in turn means that more jobs are provided, bringing increased wages and salaries to the workers and increased profits to the owners. In an industry or business firm, labor and management have a common interest in producing goods or services that will sell. This means that they must be able to compete in quality, quantity, and price. (Lavan & Martin, 2008) Labor Unions A labor union is an organization of employees whose purpose is to bargain with an employer or a group of employers over pay and working conditions. Historically unions are traceable to the guilds of the Middle Ages, which operated chiefly to establish quality standards for products and prices that were "just "in the sense that they enabled master workmen to support their families at customary levels while also providing training for apprentices. Their English origins are closely linked to the "de-skilling" effects of the technology of the Industrial Revolution on workers, which altered the traditional hierarchy of skills and their associated wage levels. Nevertheless, it was not until the founding of the Trades Union Congress in 1868 and the subsequent passage of the Trade Union Act that the English labor movement flourished. By the late 1800s, British unions allied with socialists to establish the Independent Labor party (later the Labor party). (Carlton, 2007) Collective Bargaining Collective Bargaining, between employers and unions establishes formal rules governing work and conditions of employment. The term applies to negotiations about wages, hours, conditions of work, and fringe benefits, and

Monday, August 26, 2019

Impact of Democracy on Economic Development Essay

Impact of Democracy on Economic Development - Essay Example A case example is Mali. In the year 1985, per capita income of Mali was $532, dictatorship increased at a rate of 5.35%. Hence the question arises, could economic development have been different if there was democracy in Mali? A comparison of France indicates that in 1985, France which is a democracy had per capita income of $12206 and it grew at a rate of 1.43% (Ndulo 2006). These statistics indicate that most poor countries have a slower economic development than the rich countries due to democracy. In 1985, Mali was not a democracy as it was full of dictatorship thus slow economic development while France which is a democracy experienced a fast economic growth. This assumption is however not very true as democratic nations are still prone to poor economic growth as there some are underlying factors that affect both economic development and democracy. We can therefore conclude that democracies are common in economically developed countries as compared to poor countries that have a poor economic growth. The explanation behind this is not because democracies are likely to appear due to economic development, but because of their likelihood of survival should any eventuality occur. Democracy varies with different countries but when the correct democracy is applied there is a higher chance of economic

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Nike Case Study Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nike Case Study - Research Paper Example Ballinger was passionate that a company should have a responsibility for its workers even if they are the lowest paid workforce of the company (Spar, 2002). Ballinger was assigned to monitor labor conditions in an Indonesian plant by overseas American companies because he considered that the reason for international companies to prepare a setup in poor countries is to exploit the low-wage labors. This has been true over years that big multinational companies have been shifting their operations to lower wage countries in order to reduce their production cost and collect more profits. The cost of production in America is double the cost of a product which is being manufactured in other countries (Locke, 2002). He claims that Nike has a policy that in order to produce cost effective products, they mistreat their workers and make them work longer hours than required. He believed that even though there were laws for protecting the labor rights, Nike continuously fed the Indonesian governm ent with bribe to overlook their part of misdeed. Ballinger accused Nike that they knew people were dependent on the company and would rarely leave the company, so they mistreated them to get more production with fewer necessities and food provided to the people. Ballinger had strength in his arguments because workers were in a bad situation and when they were interviewed by Ballinger, they agreed with the same (Connor, 2001). Nike’s Response to Ballinger’s Allegations The first response from Nike was clear that their manager said Nike’s not responsible for the actions of their independent contractors. Nike considered that they are not involved in any kind of activity in Indonesia and most likely they would not be responsible for their act. However, Nike asked its public relation officer to draft a code of conduct for its independent contractors (Stoner, 2006). This code of conduct would then be sent to their new contractors in which all aspects of working condi tions of labors, environment regulation and insurance of their workers were addressed. Nike wanted all of their suppliers and independent contractors to agree with all terms that were specified before making any further deal. It was made mandatory that these suppliers would have to give their written consent of their honesty and non-discrimination (Spar, 2002). Nike hired an accounting firm Ernst & Young to conduct an audit of its overseas factories. Auditing would inform Nike with activities of their overseas factories and would identify their problems. But the problem started to mount and criticism had started to rise again with a greater force. Nike denied any act of direct involvement in child labor activity and of worker exploitation. In Washington, Nike was the first company to join Apparel Industry Partnership (AIP) which was aimed to develop reformed labor standards in foreign factories. Nike also included a new department in its company which was known as Labor Practices De partment which role was to monitor labor practices in premises of the factory (Spar, 2002). Recommendations Firstly, Nike should focus on improving its processes in their overseas factories by making strict guidelines and norms for their factories to follow. The company shall motivate their independent

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Financial Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Financial - Assignment Example A financial manager can buy a large lot of stocks if the prices of stocks are lower. Valuation Principle The valuation principle can help financial managers make financial decisions regarding whether or not to buy a common stock. The use of valuation models can help a manager determine the intrinsic value of a corporation. The application of stock valuation models can be used to determine if the market price of a stock is over or under valued. Common stocks that have a value lower than the market price should not be purchased, while stock whose valuation exceeds in the market price should be purchased. Net Present Value The net present value is an analytical tool that can be used to make capital decisions. The NPV takes into consideration all the inflows and outflows of money associated with a project to determine whether a project should be accepted or rejected (Besley & Brigham, 2000). Another important element of the NPV calculation is the fact the NPV incorporates the time value of money. The time value of money adjusts the values in order to consider inflation. Most corporate finance books have time value of money tables. According to the NPV a project should be rejected when the value of the NPV is negative. A project is accepted when the value is positive. The use of NPV calculation can be used to compare different projects.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Telenursing in Health Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Telenursing in Health Care - Essay Example From this research it is clear that  a healthcare center can never be successful without the implementation of information system and communication technologies because of their role in improving the system of healthcare delivery. Telenursing facilitates and improves communication between patients and healthcare professionals. Many patients are in such condition that needs them to stay at their homes where they can get medical and psychological treatment together. Moreover, elderly patients also prefer to stay at their homes during treatment because they feel more comfortable being at home. â€Å"As most elderly people prefer home care to residential care, the nursing profession must change its current practice†. Under such circumstances, the role of telenursing becomes more influential as nurses have to examine the health status of patients while being at distance from them. In addition to this, telenursing has also found its place in healthcare settings because of its role in improving the quality of life of patients.This paper stresses that nurses have the most dominant role to play in telenursing as they are the ones who have to interact with distant patients through video calling to examine their current health status, as well as to prescribe treatment to them. Nurses and patients come in direct contact through telenursing system. Patients speak about their feelings and health status based on which nurses recommend a change or continuation of the treatment.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Tiger Energy Drink Marketin Plan Essay Example for Free

Tiger Energy Drink Marketin Plan Essay 1. 0. Executive Summary Tiger Energy Drink offers their consumers â€Å"a unique product endowed with different usage alternatives† providing a beverage focused on positive effects of an energy drink and guarana with an amazing sweet taste. Tiger Energy Drink is an alternative to tea and coffee and can be consumed cold or hot depending on the preference. It has a very sweet taste -not too much intense- and can be consumed as a regular beverage. Tiger is positioned itself as an alternative to coffee since it offers a great variety of caffeine (guarana) and other energy drink since it offers different flavors. Guarana, the main ingredient of the Tiger energy drink, has a cognitive effect. A 2007 human pilot study assessed acute behavioral effects to four doses (37. 5 mg, 75 mg, 150 mg and 300 mg) of guarana extract. Memory, alertness and mood were increased by the two lower doses, confirming previous results of cognitive improvement following 75 mg guarana. Some research also shows that Guarana has antioxidant and antibacterial effects, and also fat cell reduction. The target audience is working class and is primarily males and females between 25 – 40 ages. The majority consumer group of Tiger Energy Drink includes white-collar workers who spend long hours in office, working parents and young adults. 2. 0. Situation Analysis Tiger, founded 6 months ago by 2 entrepreneurs, is about to enter the competitive energy drinks market in Turkey. Although Energy Drinks market is considerably small, its annual growth rate is around 30% and the market is the most profitable segment of the non-alcoholic beverages market. The existence of big players and many cheaper outlier products will make it difficult for Tiger to establish a strong brand and market share in the short term. In order to do that, Tiger will differenciate in product flavors, hot or cold use opportunities and varied serving sizes. Of course, careful targeting of specific segments and supporting marketing activities will be the key to success. 2. 1. Market Summary Energy Drink market in Turkey consists of 0,35% of the whole non-alcoholic beverage market in terms of the market volume. The total volume of non-alcoholic beverages in Turkey is 7,2 billion liters, whereas Energy Drink’s volume is 25,5 million liters. On the other hand, when the market value is taken into consideration, Energy Drink market gets 3,5% of the whole non-alcoholic beverages market. The value of the whole non-alcoholic drinks market is 8,5 billion TL, and Energy Drinks’ share is 298 million TL. While the average value per liter in non-alcoholic beverages market is 1,18 TL, The same ratio becomes 11,66 TL in case of Energy Drinks. Therefore, it can clearly be seen that this segment is quite lucrative and profitable. The sub-markets, from the biggest to smallest, are water, tea, carbonated drinks, non-carbonated drinks (e. g. ice tea) and coffee markets. Although, its size is small, Energy Drink market has a steady 30% annual growth rate. Energy Drink consumers are usually in the 25-40 age range, upper income level white collar people. However, cheaper products were able to penetrate low and mid income level segments too. These include truck drivers and blue collar workers. Energy Drinks are consumed in many different occasions. The need of concentration and productivity defines their daytime use whereas the need of fun and high energy defines their nighttime use. The table below shows how Tiger addresses the basic needs of its targeted segments. Targeted Segment| Customer Need| Corresponding Feature/Benefit/Product| All Segments| Wake-up in the morning| Tea flavored, hot or cold consumption optioned Tiger (B vitamins and thein)| Students Professionals| Concentration and Productivity in daytime and work activities| Orange, Melon or Tropical Mix Tiger drinks (Guarana)| | Fun and High Energy in nighttime activities| Orange, Melon or Tropical Mix Tiger drinks (Guarana, Ginseng, Taurin)| 2. 2. SWOT Analysis Tiger has several strengths which do not exist in Turkish market. However, lack of brand awareness and image is the most important weakness. The fact that the competition is well established could be identified as the strongest threat. Finally, the fast growing and profitable structure of the energy drink market would be the biggest opportunity. 2. 2. 1. Strengths Tiger has a number of important strengths 1. Innovative Product: The product has 3 different and well liked flavors which can be consumed without mixing with any other beverage. Alternatively, those flavors of Melon, Orange and Tropical Mix are suited to mix with many different alcoholic beverages. Finally the tea flavored, hot or cold consumption optioned, 4th variation is the revolutionary energy drink product. With its unmatched and tailor-made for Turkish taste tea flavor; this energy drink can be consumed even in breakfast. Its ability to be consumed as a hot drink is also revolutionary. 2. Pricing: Tiger offers excellent quality with better pricing than its 2 major competitors, Red Bull and Burn 3. Product Ingredients: Tiger’s excellent combination of Guarana and Ginseng causes great focus, improved memory and higher productivity. Furthermore, the Thein in tea-flavored variation invokes additional alertness, especially required in the morning. 4. Serving Sizes: Unlike its competitors, Tiger will have 350 ml cans for Orange, Melon Tropical Mix flavors and 75 ml cans for tea flavored variation as well as the conventional 250 ml cans. 2. 2. 2. Weaknesses 1. Lack of Brand Awareness: Tiger does not have an established brand awareness and image. On the other side, Red Bull, Burn and other competitors have strong brand images. This issue will be dealt with aggressive promotion activities. 2. 2. 3. Opportunities 1. Growing and Profitable Market: The Energy Drink market grows around 30% annually. Furthermore, that sub category of the non-alcoholic beverages market has the highest profitability. 2. Demographics: Turkey’s population is younger compared with European and U. S markets. Therefore, target market size is lucratively big. 2. 2. 4. Threats 1. Competition: The competition in Turkey is well established. Red Bull and Burn share the upper segment of the market with almost 65% of the market value in total. With the addition of smaller and cheaper products, there are around 40 different brands in Turkey. In sum, Turkish Energy Drink market is highly competitive. 2. Energy Drinks’ image: Energy drinks are still seen as unhealthy and unnatural. In 2001, Red Bull was banned in Turkish market due to excessive caffeine content. Red Bull’s caffeine content is 400 mg per liter, whereas Turkish regulations did not permit higher than 150 mg at that time. However in 2004, Turkish Food Codex has been updated according to European Union standards and Red Bull’s ban had been revoked. Additionally, some fatalities occurred after excessive alcohol consumption and it was said that energy drinks were also involved and they would cause death when mixed with alcohol. These incidents along with the banning history of Red Bull strengthened the â€Å"unnatural and unhealthy† image of the Energy Drinks. 2. 3. Competition 2. 4. Product Offering 2. 5. Distribution 3. 0. Marketing Strategy 1. The main marketing strategy is to emphasize Tiger’s distinctive taste, different usage opportunities and size can. The taste is not too intense but very enjoyable with three different flavor. The product has 3 different and well liked flavors which can be consumed without mixing with any other beverage. Alternatively, those flavors of Melon, Orange and Tropical Mix are suited to mix with many different alcoholic beverages. The tea flavored, hot or cold consumption optioned will be an innovative energy drink. The size also provides a longer lasting boost of energy and cognition and production capability which led to the brand â€Å"Stay focused† slogan. 3. 1. Marketing Objectives Since we are completely a new brand we have set realist but achievable objectives for the for the first and second years of market entry First year objectives: In 2012, the total volume of energy drink will be theoretically 33 million liter if we take the consideration of the growth rate and last year wasted volume. We are planning to get a 5 percent share of the Turkish energy drink market through unit sales volume of approximately 5. 000. 000. We have to achieve a steady increase in market penetration. The primary goal is to build and increase both awareness and brand loyalty for Voltro among upper-income professional age 25 – 40. Second year objectives: In second year the main objective is to increase market share from 5 to 8 percent. We are planning to achieve break-even and start to get profit on our third year in business. 3. 2. Financial Objectives. Energy drinks are most profitable beverage among all non-alcoholic beverages. The energy drink market is very small compared to other beverages market but it is growing 30 percent per year. Our financial objective is to maintain and increase this grow rate for our business. For the first year specially we would like to maintain a significant advertising budget to execute and utilize different media vehicles: magazine, internet, prime-time television, ambient and billboards. These media vehicles will allow Tiger to reach the desired reach and frequencies while keeping within the budget. 3. 3. Target Markets Tiger’s strategy is based on a positioning of different and exotic flavors, hot or cold use opportunities and varied serving sizes. Our main consumer target of Tiger is upper income level white collar people, working parents and young adults between 25 and 40 age who want healthy, natural, tasty and a high quality an energy drink with an affordable price. Tiger energy drink has ability to strengthen memory, increase focus and overcome exhaustion and insufficient energy. Our secondary consumer target is low and mid income level which include truck drivers and blue collar workers who seek to stay alert during driving, working, etc†¦ These type of consumers are only looking to pay less for an energy drink since they consume for a purpose: â€Å"stay focused and alert†. 3. 5. Positioning Kaplan’s strategy is to be an innovative energy drink by product differentiation based on size, taste and hot or cold usage. Using product differentiation, we are positioning Tiger Energy Drink as the most revolutionary, tasty and healthy energy drink. Tiger is the brand of energy drinks that gives you the need of concentration and productivity in day time and need of fun and high energy in night to allow you to do everything you want in a full day of work and play. The fruity and tropical fresh taste leaves you asking for more and the bigger size contain more healthy ingredients than their competitors. Our marketing will focus on the value-priced equilibrium, reflecting the positive side of a big size and product taste and usage alternatives. 3. 6. Strategies Product 3. 7. Marketing Program 3. 8. Marketing Research 4. 0 Financials 4. 1. Break-Even Analysis 4. 2. Sales Forecast 4. 3. Expense Forecast 5. 0. Controls 5. 1. Implementation 5. 2. Marketing Organization 5. 3. Contingency Planning Non-alcoholic beverages market data excludes pure milk and home use demijohn water products.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

International Trade and Finance Speech Essay Example for Free

International Trade and Finance Speech Essay Introduction Today I would like to discuss, with you, the current state of the U.S. macro economy. I will attempt to simply address concepts and terms which focus on international trade and foreign exchange rates. Much of the discussion will focus around the surplus of imports brought into the U.S., and the impact it has on the U.S. businesses and consumers involved. I will also describe the effects of the international trade to GDP, domestic markets, and university students. It is important to understand how the government’s choices, in regards to tariffs and quotas, affect international relations and trade; so I will describe the interactive relationship in regards to tariffs and quotas, and how the government’s choices affect international relations and trade. We will also understand how foreign exchange rates are determined, and identify the reasons the U.S. does not restrict goods from China and minimize imports from other countries. Imports in the U.S. The U.S. imports many goods from various countries around the globe; and the trading of these goods plays an important role in the stability of economic growth for the U.S. The U.S. imports goods or products from other countries such as China; and if the U.S. has a surplus of imports it means there is an increase in the trade deficit, which is not good for the U.S. because trade deficits usually increase unemployment. Examples of products with an import surplus in the U.S. are China’s auto-parts. The U.S. auto-parts industry is at risk of lost jobs because of the rapid growth of auto-parts imported from China. The Chinese government unfairly subsidizes and trades auto-parts to the U.S.; which in return jeopardizes jobs related to the auto-parts industry in the U.S. Exports from the U.S. support jobs, but imports supplant production which would otherwise support U.S. employment. The U.S. auto-parts trade deficit increased from $9.5 billion in the year 2000 to $31.2 billion in the year 2010. During the year 2010, China’s exports of auto-parts exceeded their imports of U.S. products by 725 percent. The impact of this discrepancy between the two countries forces consumers and businesses, in the U.S., to evaluate which products are worth buying. Many times China’s products are manufactured just as thoroughly as their counterparts in the U.S., and they are often much cheaper to purchase. In order to save money, many U.S. companies and consumers will purchase goods from China, and also establish businesses and create jobs in that country which would otherwise benefit domestic employment (Economic Policy Institute, 2012). GDP I would like to next address the effects of international trade to the GDP, domestic markets, and university students. International trade has become important to the U.S. economy in recent years, and the benefits of a global market improve the U.S. standard of living. The problem for the U.S. is the contraction of the GDP because of reduced exports and higher imports. The outflow of domestic currency to foreign markets can decrease the currency of the dollar, and make imports more expensive to purchase. If the currency of the dollar decreases, domestic markets will suffer because now goods cost more to purchase. Domestic markets can also be affected by international trade. If imports are cheaper than domestic company products, then domestic markets may suffer because the imports are cheaper to purchase. Many international students and public and private institutions also benefit from the effects of international trade. The revenues generated by international students are important because they usually pay out-of-state tuition, and the education sector usually benefits from a trade surplus (Business Day, 2013). Tariffs and Quotas The government’s choices, in regards to tariffs and quotas, usually have a big effect on international trade and relations. Many countries rely on net exports to maximize their productions companies. When quotas and tariffs are introduced to the global market, it can affect the flow of goods and products to consumer nations; and can negatively impact the production companies. Because it is usually beneficial for international companies to maximize production, tariffs and quotas can potentially strain international relations and trade. Exchange Rates I would like to next address foreign exchange rates and what determines them. Most of us are aware that currency has a value attached to it. The difference between the two country’s currency value, and the rate for what they will be exchanged for each other; is known as the foreign exchange rate. The exchange rates are determined in the foreign exchange market, which determines the local demand for foreign currencies (, 2013). Goods in the U.S. The question is often asked, if China has restrictions on U.S. imports, then why does the U.S. not restrict goods coming in from China? To answer the question simply, Chinese imports are important to the U.S. because China has the fastest growing markets in the world. If the U.S. were to stop imports from China, then accordingly China would stop imports for the U.S., and we would not have access that important market. It is vital to have relationships with the global market, because those trade relationships keep the U.S. relevant in the global economy. Many economists agree if the U.S. were to stop trading with foreign countries, then the entire global economy would collapse, which would result in the entire globe going into a depression. Conclusion In conclusion I would like to state that I hope I have addressed all of you questions about the current state of the U.S. macro economy. It is important to understand the importance of all countries involved with foreign trade, and how their imports and our exports directly affect the U.S. economy and our jobs. While we would like to be independent from a lot of foreign goods, the idea of total independence from foreign trade is virtually impossible. As we discussed earlier, the reason is because of our trade deficits and their countries ability to invest in the U.S. References Economic Policy Institute. (2012). Retrieved from (2013). Retrieved from Business Day. (2013). Retrieved from

Positive and Negative Effects of Swimming and Running

Positive and Negative Effects of Swimming and Running Quynh Ho Health in Your Choice Swimming and running are considered as two popular activities sport. Every activity is very good; especially, both swimming and running are beneficial to your health. However, experts often analyze which has more advantages: swimming or walking? By Alex Hutchinson in â€Å"Whats better: 30 minutes of swimming or running†, he said that spending 30 minutes swimming is better than running. The thing is swimming can be better than running in some ways. Whether you are children or adult, it is a great sport that may bring more benefits than the advantages of running without having a joint or injury to the heart, and athletes lose weight safely. To begin with, running may have risks on knees. Most runners have heard that â€Å"Youre going to ruin your knees! (Keri Bond 1). We cannot deny the fact that most runners often suffer trauma-related activities in their careers and lead injuries are more common in the knees. Running is a sport that has high impact, so many people such as runners do not avoid the injury during running. The article â€Å"Exercising with Osteoporosis: Stay Active the Safe Way† by Mayo Clinic staff showed that â€Å"Activities such as jumping, running or jogging can lead to fractures in weakened bones† (2). It points out that people who run suffer from stiffness in their knees. Thus, the vital reason to explain for this problem in runners’ knees is collision. According to Keri Bond in â€Å" The Effect of Running on the Knees†, â€Å"Each time your foot makes contact with the ground, forces equaling two to four times your body weight travel upward through your lower leg, kne e, thigh, hip and pelvis, and into your spine† ( 1). Therefore, the entire weight of the body will be pushed down to the knees and legs while they are running. The weight of the body makes the exposure or the impact from the knee to the ground is very big and strong, so they can make a knee injury. Thus, knees injuries may seem like elusive injure in runners. Because of knee pain or the constant impact will lead to a knee replacement, many people decide to stop running. Other runners have serious problems in using their leg throughout the rest of their life. Moreover, womens knees are more susceptible to injury than men, because their wider pelvis, leg alignment, joint looseness and general muscle strength (Keri Bond 1). For this reason, women should be more cautious to prevent this injury. Unlike running, swimming will reduce risks of knees injury. The weight of the water does not reduce the pressure on the joints eliminates the possibility of the knees and the other muscle groups take part in in activities other than strong impact. Several survey have published that swimming will bring great advantages to the knees. A study demonstrated in the Arthritis Care Research journal found that diseased individual in the water will implement more effective pain relief than people who practiced on the coast (1). Thus, water exercise will gain the use of knees joint help perform better. The three reasons work-out water to be good for knees. First, lot muscle groups will be used, especially the use of arm and leg muscles while swimming. Second, swimming helps build their muscle. Third, the joints will continue to operate and help them stronger thanks to the pressure from the water. Secondly, another crucial risk of running is directly in the heart. It points out that the effort to bring about serious consequences damage to their heart. A new report was published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings suggests that the athletes put damage on their heart increase over time when they are running a long- distance. It can cause a buildup of scar tissue on the heart, which can lead to the development of patchy myocardial fibrosis in up to 12% of marathon runner† ( OMara 1). For instance, â€Å"on July 20, 1984, Jim Fixx was a consummate runner- on his routine 10 mile run, he suffered a fatal heart attack† ( Ebert 1). He passed at the age of 52. Moreover, his death was not the only issue for this situation. A story about Micah True, who was the marathoner, occurred in April this year, suffered heart attacks during a race was updated in the news. Running has damaged heart of both 58-year-old man, Micah True and Jim Fixx because of heart attacks. Their heart function i s reduced when the runners do stubborn exercise, as a result, it damages their heart and the risk of dying from heart attack is very possible with a runner. Running is dangerous the heart, on the contrary, swimming is good for it. Because swimmings activities are less demand on the heart than running, their heart rate won’t go up as high. That means â€Å"heart rate is lower by10 to 20 beats per minute† (Wellness 1). While they are swimming, the movement of the water will make the blood flow from the heart to brain better. Consequence, swimming will help to â€Å"increase the heart rate† and â€Å"improve heart health† effectively (Borboa 1). Berkeley Wellness, author of article â€Å"Why is Swimming is so Good for You,† asserted that â€Å"If you’re looking for exercise that improves heart and lung capacity, but is gentle on your joints, swimming is a top choice. Therefore, practicing this activity 3-4 days per week can avoid the risk of heart disease and stroke. As Andre Jackson explain, â€Å"Swimming is generally regarded as a great way to help you to improve your heart rate and blood flow and to help maintain a healthy weight† (1). Thus, swimming is the best method to reduce joint problems and cardiovascular disease. In addition, lose weight seems to be an indispensable advantage of swimming. Unlike running, swimming brings interests for the whole body and is a good choice to improve overall fitness. According to experts, swimming is a good way to lose weight by work-out result to every parts of body is operated in a flexible way from limbs to abs and back. This process requires swimmer to consume a large amount of calories, the energy loss can be transformed from fat accumulation in the body. The impact of water combined with physical activity as a massage therapist and fitness combined, all body parts and movement helps tone muscles, blood circulation, and especially burns body fats. An article â€Å"The Health Benefits of Swimming† by The Life script Editorial Staff showed that â€Å"On average, a swimmer can burn as many calories in an hour as a runner who runs six miles in one hour. Simply put, some call swimming the perfect form of exercise.† That is true because swimming is a n aerobic exercise with impact and lowest pressure on the joints; it combines using muscle in the same time as the arms, legs, back, and abdomen. Consequently, the best method loses weight by swimming sports are widely applied. However, not everyone recognized that swimming is better than running. In the articleâ€Å"16 Reasons Why Running is Better Than Swimming (Jennies Rebuttal)† by Jennie Hansen, she focuses on giving her own ideas about 16 reasons why running is better than swimming. When she is running, she sees some benefits that swimming could not bring to such as she can look and listen to everything around and breathe in the air. Her winter running clothes are better, and her hair is not gnarly. She does not pay money. Her run form does not need high level, and she will not happen something when she stop running and..etc. Thus, in her article, she only gives benefits outside of running and does not tend to swimming’s benefits about health. Her analysis about running is better swimming is not really exact. That can be true when swimming cannot bring benefits outside as running that she wants but exercise should be analyzed whether it is good or not it must base on its benefit about he alth. So, her ideas will be wrong when she gives a conclusion that running is better than swimming. Running can burn many calories than swimming but running fast can be the risk of knees, joints injury and heart. Besides, heat stroke can easy happen with any runner if they do not know how to control their temperature during running process. Demonstrating the dangers of running does not mean that totally negate the benefits of itself bring for athletes. But considering risk issues in a workout, swimming is less likely to occur. Even if you have to take a little pressure from the water, it is less likely to make your heart stroke. Theres no ground impact from swimming, so it can protect your joints, maintain your breath from stress. Moreover, swimming also helps people lose weight easier. It burns lots of calories, anywhere about 590 calories per hour depending on how efficiently you swim. Many people think that running is a great method to lose weight. It is true because running will need a lot of power and burn many calories than swimming but dangers of body coccus anytime. But when you use a lot power in body, you can have to face with dangerous health. So, if you want to lose weight quickly, you can increase hours of swimming to get effective in losing weight. Besides, because theres no impact with swimming, swimming can be continued for a lifetime. Even if you are 93 years old, you still can swim but running has troubles in this problem. You can see this evidence in the United States Masters Swimming ( a web site for age categories of their swim competitions. Indeed, swimming is a good exercise and brings many benefits. It can satisfy all rigorous requirements of athletes or those people want to lose weight with health’s safe. Thus, to consider running or swimming is better, you should be based on benefits and danger themselves. Not only that, some people argue that swimming has more risks than running in exercise. First thing, swimming is not good for skin because† most swimming pools contain chlorine, a gaseous element that helps keep the pool free of bacteria and debris. Undiluted chlorine is highly toxic and caustic..Swimming in a chlorinated pool can dry out your skin and make it feel tight and itchy because the chlorine strips your skin of its natural oils. People with sensitive skin might even get irritation or a rash from the pools drying effects† ( Sarah 1). Our skin often secretes organic acids to keep skin soft, smooth and protected from the harmful effects of the bacteria from the environment. The more contact with water or soak in water for too long will cause the acid leaching; making the skin becomes rough, prone to irritation and injury. Moreover, chemicals in pool water absorbs sunlight, even when its not sunny, we can still endured from the â€Å"harmful effects of ultraviolet rays†. This becomes more and more dangerous in the period to go swimming because the body exposed to sunlight and ultraviolet radiation. It can cause skin pigmentation, gray, dry skin, peeling, blistering and even can lead to skin cancer. Besides, swimming is also negatively effects to the eye. When swimming, the eye often contacts direct with water, so eyes will quickly compromised by the bacteria. â€Å"The spread of conjunctivitis from pool usage because even in chemically treated water, the chlorine does not kill all the germs, nor does it kill germs instantly (â€Å"Protecting Your Eyes in a Swimming Pool† 1) . So when they swim in pool, if germs transferred from person to person, eyes may become red, confess, and look blurred. However, despite these risks, swimming is better than running because swimming will decrease risks of knees injury, be good for heart and lose weight safe. In conclusion, both sport swimming and running carry its own benefits itself. Although swimming brings negative effects, the risks can occur during exercise, the swimming brings fewer risks. Swimming is not only limited the risks of knee injury and heart but it also is an effective way to lose weight without using too much energy in the body like running. Works Cited Admin. Does Water Polo Burn More Calories than Swimming? Does Water Polo Burn More Calories than Swimming? Admin, n.d. Web. 20 July 2014.>. Bond, Keri. The Effect of Running on the Knees. The Effect of Running on the Knees. Keri Bond, n.d. Web. 6 Jan. 2014.>. Borboa, Michele MS. 5 Best Exercises to Improve Heart Health. 5 Best Exercises to Improve Heart Health. Michele Borboa, MS, n.d. Web. 15 Feb. 2011.>. Clinic, Mayo. Exercising with osteoporosis: Stay active the safe way. Exercising with Osteoporosis: Stay Active the Safe Way. Mayo Clinic, n.d. Web. 1 Jan. 2014.>. Ebert, Benjamin. The Runners Heart. The Runners Heart. Benjamin Ebert, n.d. Web. 1 Sept. 2013.>. Jashon, Andre. 5 Key Benefits of Swimming. 5 Key Benefits of Swimming. Andre Jashon, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2014.>. Metzker, Sarah Erdemir. The Effects of Swimming on Swimmers Hair Skin. The Effects of Swimming on Swimmers Hair Skin. Sarah Metzker Erdemir, n.d. Web. 19 Dec. 2013.>. OMara, Kelly. How Much Running Is Bad for Your Heart? How Much Running Is Bad for Your Heart? Kelly OMara, n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2012.>. Protecting Your Eyes in a Swimming Pool. Protecting Your Eyes in a Swimming Pool. Eye Health, n.d. Web. 3 July 2014.>. Wellness, Berkeley. Why Swimming Is so Good for You. Why Swimming Is so Good for You. Berkeley Wellness, n.d. Web. 1 Aug. 2011.>. William, Travis. Exercise Can Help Your Joint Pain and Athritis. Exercise Can Help Your Joint Pain and Athritis. Travis William, n.d. Web. 1 Jan. 2014.>.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Project Management Essay example -- Business Research Papers Managing

Project Management The concept of project management is a vague yet essential part of the average work environment. Typically, this process is overlooked by the average person, and its function within academic, business, and research environments is essential to the development of products, theories, and success. The idea behind project management is to separate a group of people, small or large depending on the size of the company, and focus their efforts on a goal or ‘project’. Each company or organization has a different methodology when it comes to arranging their project management group. However, these organizations usually follow a core set of ideas or concepts that have been proven successful in the development of goals. Two factors contribute to the overall goals of a project management team, individual skills on the team and the process by which those skills are applied. To begin a discussion about project management, it is good to break down the separate parts of the organization and look at the necessary skills for successful project managers. Each company has specific qualities which a candidate for employment should possess. For example, the International Health Economics Association recently posted a job position for a project manager online. Some of the required responsibilities are as follows; â€Å"Understand client requirements†¦Supervise data collection and analysis†¦Evaluate data†¦Develop findings and recommendations which are appropriate to client requirements† (IHEA 2004). Another emphasis, which seems to be the same across many job postings, is an ability to participate in the international market. In the current global business world, very few large companies or organizations limit their resear... ...ach individual project is vital to achieve success in the business world. Works Cited Canadian Institute for Health Information. â€Å"Project Manager, Health Services Research.† Online: projmanHSR_e. July 26, 2004. Covance. â€Å"Job Description.† Online: eur2285.html. July 26, 2004. International Health Economics Association. â€Å"Senior Associate/Project Manager, Health Economics and Outcomes.† Online: /jobs/2004/08/15/senior-associateproject-m.html. July 26, 2004. Tenstep. â€Å"TenStep Project Management Process.† Online: TenStepHomepage.htm. July 26, 2004 Wideman. â€Å"Project Management Plan - to - Project Plan Development† Online: July 26, 2004

Monday, August 19, 2019

Affirmative Action :: essays research papers fc

Imagine a person has hopes of landing their dream job and is applying for a position at a very successful company. They have more than enough qualifications but for some reason do not get the job simply because the company had to hire a woman or minority to satisfy its policy. What policy you may ask, born to the civil rights movement three decades ago, affirmative action calls for minorities and women to be given special consideration in employment and education. Affirmative action is one of the many problems with today’s society and should not be allowed to be used in any situation. This policy is intended to give both parties an equal opportunity to be a successful individual and make it in today’s society. It is morally wrong because the battle for equal rights has been won and favoring members in one group over another is totally unfair. Others see it as the only opportunity for minorities and women to rise up and obtain the same education and career opportunity a s everyone else.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Before writing this paper I had not known a lot about what affirmative action meant, but now I can say I strongly disagree with its meaning. I myself had a run in with affirmative action just recently in this past month. One of my close friends received an acceptance letter from the University of Michigan and I couldn’t believe she got in because her score on the ACT test was very low. She also didn’t have very exceptional grades in high school, which meant she could have only gotten in because she was of Hispanic origin. Giving someone more rights and opportunities than others just because of a personal trait is not only unfair but totally defies everything that was fought for in the civil rights movement. Would giving someone an advantage in a situation such as education influence them not to try as hard if they were to have the same opportunity as everyone else? Robin Kelly stated: â€Å"Sadly, I run into many young people who do not have a sense of what is possible, a visi on of what this country could become. Rather, they accept the current arrangements as an immutable given and figure how best to survive within them†(80). Kelly suggests that today’s youth have no intentions of changing the world and only intend to live in it how it is.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Henrik Isbens A Dolls House :: A Dolls House Essays

Synopsis   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The play begins on Christmas Eve. Nora Torvald enters the living room carrying packages. Torvald Helmer, her husband, enters. He says that she shouldn’t have spent so much on Christmas gifts. He says that they have to be careful with money for now, but that he got a promotion at the bank that will increase their quality of life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Helene, their maid, says that Dr. Rank has come to visit. Also, Nora’s school friend, Kristine Linde, comes. The two have not seen each other in years. Nora tells Linde about her life. She says that Torvald had heath problems earlier in the marriage, and they had to go to Italy so he could recover.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mrs. Linde tells Nora that her husband died, leaving her with no money and no children. She wants Torvald to get her a job. Nora says she will speak to Torvald, and tells her that she illegally borrowed the money to pay for the trip to Italy. For years, she worked and saved in secret to repay the debt. Soon it will be fully repaid.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Krogstad, an employee at the bank, and Dr. Rank arrive. Rank says that Krogstad is â€Å"morally sick†. Nora is unnerved by Krogstad’s presence. Torvald says that he can probably get Mrs. Linde a job at the bank. Rank, Torvald, and Linde depart. The children arrive with Anne-Marie, their nanny. Nora plays with the children until she notices Krogstad. He is revealed to be the source of the illegal loan.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He says that Torvald wants to fire him. He asks Nora to try to talk Torvald out of it. Krogstad says that he will tell about the loan if he gets fired. Nora tries to get Torvald not to fire him, but he says Krogstad is immoral.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On Christmas, Nora is nervous. Nora again begs Torvald not to fire Krogstad. He refuses. Torvald sends the maid to deliver Krogstad’s letter of dismissal.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Rank arrives and tells Nora he is dying. She flirts with him. He says he is in love with her.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Krogstad demands an explanation for his being fired. He tells Nora that she must get him rehired to a higher position. He puts a letter in Torvald’s letterbox detailing the illegal loan. (Nora forged her father’s signature to get it.) Nora tells Mrs. Linde everything. Mrs. Linde says to distract Torvald from the letterbox until she talks to Krogstad.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Krogstad and Mrs. Henrik Isben's A Doll's House :: A Doll's House Essays Synopsis   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The play begins on Christmas Eve. Nora Torvald enters the living room carrying packages. Torvald Helmer, her husband, enters. He says that she shouldn’t have spent so much on Christmas gifts. He says that they have to be careful with money for now, but that he got a promotion at the bank that will increase their quality of life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Helene, their maid, says that Dr. Rank has come to visit. Also, Nora’s school friend, Kristine Linde, comes. The two have not seen each other in years. Nora tells Linde about her life. She says that Torvald had heath problems earlier in the marriage, and they had to go to Italy so he could recover.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mrs. Linde tells Nora that her husband died, leaving her with no money and no children. She wants Torvald to get her a job. Nora says she will speak to Torvald, and tells her that she illegally borrowed the money to pay for the trip to Italy. For years, she worked and saved in secret to repay the debt. Soon it will be fully repaid.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Krogstad, an employee at the bank, and Dr. Rank arrive. Rank says that Krogstad is â€Å"morally sick†. Nora is unnerved by Krogstad’s presence. Torvald says that he can probably get Mrs. Linde a job at the bank. Rank, Torvald, and Linde depart. The children arrive with Anne-Marie, their nanny. Nora plays with the children until she notices Krogstad. He is revealed to be the source of the illegal loan.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He says that Torvald wants to fire him. He asks Nora to try to talk Torvald out of it. Krogstad says that he will tell about the loan if he gets fired. Nora tries to get Torvald not to fire him, but he says Krogstad is immoral.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On Christmas, Nora is nervous. Nora again begs Torvald not to fire Krogstad. He refuses. Torvald sends the maid to deliver Krogstad’s letter of dismissal.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Rank arrives and tells Nora he is dying. She flirts with him. He says he is in love with her.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Krogstad demands an explanation for his being fired. He tells Nora that she must get him rehired to a higher position. He puts a letter in Torvald’s letterbox detailing the illegal loan. (Nora forged her father’s signature to get it.) Nora tells Mrs. Linde everything. Mrs. Linde says to distract Torvald from the letterbox until she talks to Krogstad.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Krogstad and Mrs.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Jose Rizal’s Family

Jose Rizal's parents, Francisco Mercado Rizal y Alejandro (1818–1898)[8] and Teodora Alonzo y Quintos(1826–1911),[8] were prosperous farmers who were granted lease of a hacienda and an accompanying rice farm by the Dominicans. Rizal was the seventh child of their eleven children namely: Saturnina (1850–1913), Paciano (1851–1930), Narcisa (1852–1939), Olympia (1855–1887), Lucia (1857–1919), Maria (1859–1945), Jose Protasio (1861–1896), Concepcion (1862–1865), Josefa (1865–1945), Trinidad (1868–1951) and Soledad (1870–1929). Rizal was a 9th-generation patrilineal descendant of Domingo Lam-co (Chinese: pinyin: Ke Yinan), a Chinese immigrant entrepreneur who sailed to the Philippines from Jinjiang, Quanzhou in the mid-17th century. [9] Lam-co married Inez de la Rosa, a Sangley native of Luzon. To free his descendants from the Sinophobic animosity of the Spanish authorities, Lam-co changed the surn ame to the Spanish â€Å"Mercado† (market) to indicate their Chinese merchant roots. In 1849, Governor-General Narciso Claveria ordered all native families in the Philippines to choose new surnames from a list of Spanish family names. Jose's father Francisco[8] adopted the surname â€Å"Rizal† (originally Ricial, the green of young growth or green fields), which was suggested to him by a provincial governor, or as Jose had described him, â€Å"a friend of the family†. However, the name change caused confusion in the business affairs of Francisco, most of which were begun under the old name. After a few years, he settled on the name â€Å"Rizal Mercado† as a compromise, but usually just used the original surname â€Å"Mercado†. Upon enrolling at the Ateneo Municipal de Manila, Jose dropped the last three names that make up his full name, at the advice of his brother, Paciano Rizal Mercado, and the Rizal Mercado family, thus rendering his name as â€Å"Jose Protasio Rizal†. Of this, Rizal writes: â€Å"My family never paid much attention [to our second surname Rizal], but now I had to use it, thus giving me the appearance of an illegitimate child! â€Å"[10] This was to enable him to travel freely and disassociate him from his brother, who had gained notoriety with his earlier links with native priests who were sentenced to death as subversives. From early childhood, Jose and Paciano were already advancing unheard-of political ideas of freedom and individual rights which infuriated the authorities. [11][12] Despite the name change, Jose, as â€Å"Rizal† soon distinguishes himself in poetry writing contests, impressing his professors with his facility with Castilian and other foreign languages, and later, in writing essays that are critical of the Spanish historical accounts of the pre-colonial Philippine societies. Indeed, by 1891, the year he finished his sunset, this second surname had become so well known that, as he writes to another friend, â€Å"All my family now carry the name Rizal instead of Mercado because the name Rizal means persecution! Good! I too want to join them and be worthy of this family name†¦ â€Å"[10] Jose became the focal point by which the family became known, at least from the point of view of colonial authorities.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Member of Parliament Essay

Delegation is to give another person authority and responsibility of a certain task that you would normally do yourself but you still take accountability for the outcome. In order to delegate effectively you need to first decide what tasks to delegate. You need to track what you can delegate by making a list of tasks that you do and from this the things that you can give to others. It is a more cost effective way of giving others responsibility rather than hiring someone else to do the work. Planning is essential when you are delegating. You need to identify the individual’s knowledge on the task, the skills they have to do it efficiently. Give them control of the task completely but follow it up regularly by meetings and asking them how it is going, what is going good and what they need help on. Communication between the other person and you has to be very clear and precise. You should have their full attention. They need to have a clear understanding of what needs to be done and by when. SMART objectives need to be set for them and discuss the standard that you expect from them. Ask them how they will do it and what help you can give them in the task. Give them reassurance, confidence, offer them your support and appreciate them. Believe in them. When delegating tasks there are several levels of delegation to consider. Everyone is different, not everyone can handle or respond well to certain styles. A good manager knows which level to use with each member of staff when assigning a task. Level 1- this is when the manager asks the staff member to look into the situation, get all the facts needed and come back to him/her. The decision of what to do is made by the manager. This type of delegation is usually used for new employees who have no experience in the business. It is also used when you cannot physically do it yourself as you are handling quite a few other things at the same time. For example, at SS during a busy patch at lunch time, if there is a customer who comes in who has problems with his glasses. You cannot see him as you are already dealing with two other customers. You ask a member of staff to check the glasses thoroughly, find out what problem they are having by getting all the facts from the customer. You have delegated this task out to that member of staff but you make the final decision on what should be done. You control the delegation. Level 2- this is when the manager asks the member of staff to look into the situation but also come up with possible solutions to the problem. For example, in the above example, the manager  would have asked the member of staff to come up with reasons why the customer is having problems and ways to fix the problem. However, the final decision is still made by the manager. The manager still controls the delegation. This level offers opportunities for more instruction, coaching, and development of the employees. It is often used for employees who may be changing companies but staying in the same career, so they are familiar with the task but not with the new employer’s working style and requirements. Level 3 –this is when the manager asks the member of staff to look into the situation and come up with possible solutions. The staff member picks the best solution for the customer but gets the manager to approve before going ahead with it. For example the above mentioned member of staff would have the measurements rechecked by the manager before he remakes the customer’s glasses. The manager still controls the delegation but it conveys more trust and faith in the chosen employee, it also facilitates training, improves the overall experience and increases educational opportunities for the employee. This is a good happy medium for both new and experienced employees and works well in large workplaces where the tasks must be managed properly for structural purposes. Level 4 – this is when the manager asks the member of staff to look into the situation and carry on and finish it till the end of the solution unless he says not to. For example, in the above example, the member of staff would be able to finish it off unless the manager said not to. The staff member controls this type of delegation. It shows a lot of faith and pays a compliment to the staff as to their manager’s level of confidence in their ability to complete the task successfully. It is often left for experienced employees, particularly those who have performed the repeated task successfully in circumstances prior. One problem to this approach is it can also be a source of frustration for an employee who is told they have the expertise and capability to do what is requested the way their manager wants it done, but then if they lack the confidence in their manager to follow through or if something goes wrong, then it makes this person almost entirely accountable. This Level requires trust, rapport, confidence and understanding. Level 5 – this stage is when the managers asks the staff member to complete the task and to report back to him when it is done and what was done. For example in the above situation, the manager will want to know when the problem is sorted and what the member of staff  did to solve it. The manager doesn’t even require a heads-up or check-back before the staff member starts work on the task. Many companies who have experienced staff members use this type of delegation to accomplish more. It can also be beneficial for smaller companies who trust in their employees to help them perform at maximum potential. They control the delegation. Level 6 – this is when the manager tells the staff member to take action and follow it up if needed. For example in the above example, the manager gives full authority for that staff member to deal with the customer. He does not get involved at all. This is not only complete freedom, but also the ultimate compliment in terms of a manager’s confidence in the staff member’s ability to complete a task to the manager’s complete satisfaction. When it comes to effective delegation, you cannot just order people around. Each individual is different and responds differently to different styles of delegation, criticism and praise. This means in order to be most effective, and get the best results from staff chosen to have tasks and projects delegated to them, employers must be both creative and knowledgeable when it comes to picking the right person for the right kind of delegated assignment.